Category: News
hay fever or cold? This is how you recognize the difference
Millions of Germans are allergic to pollen. How hay fever develops, how it is recognized and what really helps against it – we answer the most important questions about annoying allergy.…
What helps ay fever against
Spring is here – and for many people with hay fever, the suffering period has started with sneezing attacks and irritating coughing. The symptoms of pollen allergy and what you can…
What helps against hangover
Headache, nausea and co .: What helps against hangover? The best tips for the day after the party – and how best to prevent the buzz. What helps against hangover? Have…
Cystitis: what really helps?
Constantly on the toilet, burning, itching – unpleasant! Cystitis is a typical woman problem – two out of three women get it at least once in a lifetime, sometimes it becomes…
VR porn in self-experiment – how hot is the erotic trend really?
Do you let yourself be “inspired” by porn from time to time? Then maybe you should try VR-Porn. Because you are not only a mere spectator – but right in the middle…
Women’s favorite porns
For erotic films, women have different preferences than men. The site Pornhub gives deep insights on what women in Germany stand for. Porn is not the same nonsense and certainly no…
Ooh, yes! Men tell us what they like best about sex
Ecstatic cries, erotic moaning, dirty sluts or clear announcements – what does he like to hear from us during sex? These preferences were shared by men at Reddit. Let’s face it:…
4 reasons to sleep much more naked
Free yourself! In the video you can see why you can do without pajamas, nightgown and co. Psst! It’s not just about recreation … According to a survey, only 12 percent of Germans prefer to sleep naked. It’s a…
Sextoys in the test: In many put pollutants
Many sextoys are contaminated with pollutants, found out the “Stiftung Warentest”. Which you can buy without hesitation. For sextoys there are no pollution limits Sex toys are currently experiencing a boom,…
Single children are often pitied
I have always liked being an only child There was a time when I was about six years old when my biggest fear was that my mother might get pregnant…
Where students should sit to get better grades
A new study reveals where students should sit in class to get better grades. Front, middle or rather behind? What is crucial for good grades. Where did you sit most often at…
8 reasons why you should not compare your child with other children
What can not my child do, what other people his age can do? This is the deadliest of all mum questions. Eight reasons why you should not compare your child with other…