Catherine Deneuve: after her stroke, Emmanuelle Bercot gives news: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

In November 2019, there is panic for fans of the actress. Catherine Deneuve, 76 years old, is hospitalized after being victims of a discomfort that occurred on the night of Tuesday November 5 to Wednesday November 6, 2019, as revealed The Parisian. In an article published around 10:30 am on Wednesday, November 6, our colleagues affirmed that the actress known for her love of cigarettes had been "Care in a Parisian establishment in a serious state, which requires in-depth examinations." Within an hour, BFMTV claims that Catherine Deneuve's entourage evokes hospitalization after “A stroke of fatigue”, consequence of a “overloaded agenda ”. Agence France Presse then comes to provide more details. “Catherine Deneuve was victim of a very limited ischemic stroke and therefore reversible”, said the artist's family in a press release sent by his agent Claire Blondel and then toAFP. “Fortunately, she has no motor deficit and must of course take some rest time”, adds this same source.

"Luckily the one happened while we were shooting in a hospital"

The actress suspected of having been the famous "Lady Lucille" of Johnny Hallyday was then on the set of the last film of Emmanuelle Bercot, In his lifetime, with Benoît Magimel in the Paris region. Wednesday July 1, 2020, the director agreed to confide in the columns of Parisian on the conditions for filming his film, interrupted since the stroke of his actress eight months ago.In his lifetime was arrested after the interruption of filming this winter following a stroke by Catherine Deneuve ”, begins Emmanuelle Bercot before continuing: Despite an eight-month hiatus, I never thought the shooting was dead. I never thought it would happen without Catherine either. I would not have replaced Catherine Deneuve. I always believed that she was going to recover very well, that she needed time. Luckily the one happened while we were shooting in a hospital. We resume July 6 for six weeks, Catherine is in all stages. We relaunch the film completely, like a start of shooting with costume tests, readings with the actors. It’s going very well with Catherine: when you see her, you can’t imagine anything happened to her. So it's a very emotional moment for her, for the whole team, to resume.”The director concludes, optimistically: "I'm confident. And knowing that the film will necessarily be tinged with all this, it will be the subject of dedication and kindness. "

Read also : Catherine Deneuve persists and signs on the Polanski affair: “That people are disappointed, this is not my problem”