Cathy Hummels: After trespassing: Police take stalker away

Cathy Hummels
After trespassing: Police take stalker away

© IMAGO/FutureImage

Cathy Hummels (36) reports an unpleasant encounter with a stalker. On Friday evening (June 14), a man entered her property in Munich and spent a long time in her garden. “The guy has been following me for half a year, but that was too much for me. My roommates in the house say they have seen him in front of our house several times, he seems to have been watching me,” said the presenter. the “Bild” newspaper.

During the European Championship opening match, the harassment took on a new dimension. “It was terrible. The guy rang my doorbell for 40 minutes. Then he gained access to my property. I was really scared and called the police,” the presenter told the paper. The stalker – dressed in boxer shorts – sat down on a garden chair and did not leave the property even after a confrontation. He just wanted to “talk to Cathy.”

Police arrest the man

The police were called and finally arrested the heavily intoxicated man. Hummels, who followed the whole situation live on her Instagram account, filed a complaint for trespassing and is now hoping for a temporary restraining order against the man. He had previously harassed her with love letters. “He wrote to me that he wanted to marry me. He had left the letters on my doorstep. I handed them over to the police,” said the ex-wife of footballer Mats Hummels (35).


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