Cathy Hummels: She enjoys the snow in a bikini

Cathy Hummels
She enjoys the snow in a bikini

Cathy Hummels at an event in Vienna

© imago images / SKATA

Cathy Hummels ventured out into the snow only in a bikini and without a woolen hat, mittens or thick down jacket.

Others wrap themselves up in the snow and freezing cold when they have to go outside. Cathy Hummels (32, "My detour to happiness"), on the other hand, dares to go outside in a lilac bikini. The influencer has now shared corresponding snapshots on Instagram. "Today I ventured into the snow for the first time without protective clothing, like a Finnish sauna-goer," jokes Hummels.

That is the reason for the recordings

In the attached comment, she also explains why she was walking around in the snow with such light clothes. Hummels writes that it was "really very cold", but that it was correct "that the circulation gets going". In addition, according to her, "the immune system should also be strengthened if you don't overdo it".

The influencer hopes that she can make her more than 600,000 subscribers "a little joy" with the recordings, "because happiness is the only thing that doubles when you share it". The pictures are actually very well received by a large number of fans. "Somehow hot and cold at the same time," comments one user.
