Caution!: These scams are used by fraudsters with streaming customers

These scams are used by fraudsters with streaming customers

Netflix is ​​one of the most popular streaming services worldwide.

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Phishing emails have been popular with scammers for decades. At present, they are primarily targeting subscribers to streaming portals.

Whenever large platforms or portals change their terms of use, scammers seem to be aiming to unsettle consumers. This is currently affecting Netflix in particular, which wants to put a stop to account sharing. Which scams you should be prepared for.

In the case of Netflix, the streaming portal warns on his website even against current phishing attacks. In doing so, fraudsters take advantage of the fact that subscribers often do not know exactly what the new terms and conditions mean for them and whether they may be obligated to pay the provider.

The phishing emails that criminals have been sending out since the Netflix Terms and Conditions were changed at the end of May are diverse. They either ask for the login data or the bank details to be updated, always with the aim of obtaining sensitive user or login data.

Fake mails look deceptively real

The senders of phishing e-mails go to great lengths to forge electronic mail, and the Netflix e-mails circulating often even contain current film and series recommendations and look deceptively real. The recommendation for such emails is therefore: never click on the links or buttons they contain and it is best to delete obvious phishing emails directly.

If it’s too late and you’re caught up as a subscriber to such a scam, users should immediately change their password or inform their bank if their account details have been disclosed. You should also report it to the police, especially if you have suffered financial damage.

Warning also at Disney+

Netflix isn’t the only provider struggling with such methods. The State Criminal Police Office of Lower Saxony warns currently facing similar attacks on behalf of Disney+.

How common such fraudulent occurrences are makes the “Phishing Radar” from the consumer advice center clearly. There is currently a warning about fraudulent emails on behalf of the DKB, Postbank, Volksbank or PayPal. She also provides daily updates via Twitter.


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