Cédric Jubillar: this promise he made to his new partner Séverine in a letter written in prison


Cédric Jubillar made a promise to Séverine, his new companion, as revealed by La Dépêche on January 20.

He took it badly. Delphine Jubillar has not been found since December 16, 2020. The young woman disappeared in Cagnac-les-Miens in the Tarn and did not give no sign of life since. The investigation is continuing but nothing has revealed what happened to him. The main suspect is her husband, Cédric Jubillar. He was indicted for “intentional spousal homicide“on June 18. Incarcerated in the Toulouse-Seysses prison since then, he stop claiming your innocence. While he does not see his relatives, the father of the family has sent letters to his new companion, Séverine L. In one of them, he would have made a promise to her, as revealed by the Dispatch on January 20. “I told anything to anyone, he first explained before adding: Now no more gossiping with anyone, I promise…“Will he keep this promise? As a reminder, it was thanks to Marco’s testimony that the investigators turned to the closed to start new excavations. Informed, Cédric Jubillar confided: “Marco is one of the people who b… to both of you, with false testimonies that’s why you were in custody. You can’t trust anyone“, he concluded. Words that do not go unnoticed.

Did he lie? In his letter, Cédric Jubillar implies having lied to Marco. Determined to restore the truth, he then assures that it is necessary “file a complaint against him for slanderous denunciation“, can we read. It also specifies: “I gave him your phone number, it was for once outside that we go for a drink but in the end he used it for something else“. Was the father of the family betrayed by someone he trusted? As soon as he was released from prison, Marco had been questioned by the investigators and he had affirmed that Séverine was very well. informed of this mysterious disappearance. Indeed, he had added to have met him several times and, during a filmed exchange, she would have asked a question which challenged many. Can it be seen, a body that has been moved? I don’t know how you’re going to find that, you’ve got your nerves on edge, don’t you?”, reported the Dispatch. Remarks taken very seriously since they suggested that Delphine Jubillar is dead but also that Séverine is informed of the whereabouts of his body. To date, the body of the 33-year-old nurse has still not been found.

Delphine Jubillar: what have the new excavations yielded?

Following comments made by Cédric Jubillar, who assured that he had “hid Delphine’s body in the farm that burned down“, the investigators began research. This began on January 17 and many experts were present. Thus, a “security perimeter around the excavation area, located about a kilometer from the Jubillar couple’s house, had been established. After five days of research, no clue made it possible to learn more about the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar.


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2/12 –

Delphine Jubillar
The young woman disappeared in December 2020.

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3/12 –

Delphine Jubillar
She gave no sign of life.

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4/12 –

Delphine Jubillar
Research continues.

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5/12 –

Delphine Jubillar
Her husband, Cédric Jubillar, is the main suspect.

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6/12 –

Delphine Jubillar
He keeps claiming his innocence.

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7/12 –

Delphine Jubillar
He has been incarcerated since June 2020.

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8/12 –

Delphine Jubillar
He wrote letters to his new girlfriend.

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9/12 –

Delphine Jubillar
In it, he claimed to have been betrayed by his fellow prisoner.

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10/12 –

Delphine Jubillar
He promised not to say anything more.

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11/12 –

Delphine Jubillar
Where is Delphine Jubillar located?


12/12 –

Delphine Jubillar
Is she still alive?


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