Cédric O, the former Secretary of State for Digital, becomes the godfather of the first promotion of the Albert School

Cédric O left his post as Secretary of State for Digital Affairs following the government reshuffle carried out after the re-election of Emmanuel Macron. He will accompany students from the Albert School, a business school focused on data.

Less than a month after leaving the government, Cédric O begins to return to service. It is in the educational field that we find the former Secretary of State for Digital, who has just agreed to sponsor the first promotion of the Albert School, a business school centered on data which will open its doors. in Paris next September.

In a press release, the establishment specifies that Cédric O “will meet with admitted students and give a conference in the fall where he will share his convictions and his advice to students”. “Talents are at the heart of global technological competition, particularly in business and data. Europe needs to train many more of these highly sought-after profiles to meet the needs of its large groups and start-ups”. declared Cédric O. After having been the face of the government for three years on digital issues, the latter had announced that he would leave politics after the presidential election.

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Born under the impetus of Grégoire Genest, a polytechnician who joined forces with Matthieu Heurtel (Polytechnique-Ponts ParisTech) and Mathieu Schimpl (ENS-HEC), the Albert School received the support of Xavier Niel (Iliad), at the origin of the 42 computer school and the Hectar agricultural campus, Bernard Arnault (LVMH) and Pierre-Édouard Stérin (Smartbox). Founders of French unicorns, such as PayFit, Manono, Contentsquare, Vestiaire Collective and even Veepee, have also contributed to the emergence of this educational project through an 8 million euro funding round.

Intended to reduce the shortage in digital professions, the establishment will offer five-year courses to train data experts. The school is targeting 800 students who will have to pay €12,000/year to benefit from courses given by professors from Polytechnique, HEC or Stanford.

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