Ceiling of the Livret A, property tax underestimated… The 3 news of the day for your money

A ceiling of the Livret A 30000euros? The weight of property tax underestimates when buying real estate… Here are the 3 news of the day for your money.

A new ceiling for the Livret A?

This is the most read article of the day on the MoneyVox site. The editorial staff answered the question of a reader who is wondering why the Livret A rate does not pass 30,000 euros, against 22,950 euros today. Indeed, the LEP ceiling will be revised from October to go from 7700euros to 10000euros.

This measure was decided in July by the Minister of the Economy, on a proposal from the Banque de France when he announced that the LEP rate would be 6% from August 1, and not 5.6% as provided in the calculation formula.

These two new features should thus make it possible to further significantly improve the rate of ownership of this booklet. The objective is thus to reach at least 12.5 million LEPs within a year, or more than two thirds of the 18.6 million eligible French people. At the end of May, 9.7 million individuals had an LEP.

And if the LEP ceiling is reassessed, why shouldn’t the Livret A ceiling be? Several reasons explain the government’s decision not to go back on the Livret A ceiling. Read here.

Livret A blocked at 3%: with 1000euros, how much interest will you earn in 1, 5 or 10 years?

The weight of property tax on your real estate purchase

It is a tax too often underestimated by buyers of real estate. And its cost is getting higher and higher. Indeed, the land tax is soaring. After an increase of 4.6% in 2022, it will climb by at least 7% in 2023.

In this context, a study published on Wednesday highlights the weight of this local tax in the reimbursements of buyers for the 20 largest cities in France. A non-negligible charge which, depending on the city, can represent one or even up to two months of additional credits. Here are the top 3 cities where the burden of property tax is the heaviest for buyers.

Do you pay more property tax than your neighbours?

Correct your tax return online

Did you make a mistake in your spring tax return? Forgot to claim a tax credit or reduction? Since this Wednesday, you can correct your tax return on the tax website and thus limit any late penalties. Here is the procedure to follow.

DGFiP transfer, property tax… The 5 dates not to forget for your taxes by the end of 2023

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