Cellulite on the buttocks – 5 effective exercises

Cellulite on the buttocks and thighs is not a disease. Nevertheless, she annoys many women. What helps against the dents – five effective exercises.

Please take a deep breath! Almost 98 percent of over-20s have cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. Even though the dents are harmless from a medical point of view, orange peel is not one of our best friends.

Do not starve now! With the right nutrition, care and exercises you can combat cellulite and strengthen the connective tissue sustainably . We have selected five effective exercises for you to help you get your butt in top shape. Incidentally, how the connective tissue weakness develops you will learn here.

With sports against cellulite at the buttocks

You want a crack and tight legs? Then you can not avoid a workout. Because only those who do sports regularly and build muscle, can fight the nasty dents and prevent. Muscles prevent fat cells from expanding, burn more calories and increase your metabolic rate – the best conditions for a firm butt and firm legs.

At least 30 minutes of exercise daily are optimal for a tight connective tissue. Ideal is a combination of endurance and strength training . In weak connective tissue sports that provoke a strong shock should be avoided. Swimming against the orange peel , cycling and yoga are ideal .

Cellulite on the buttocks – these exercises ensure a firm butt!

In addition to endurance training, it is a targeted strength training, with which you can fight cellulite. Here are five exercises for a tight butt without dents.

1. Sumo Squads

Here’s how it works: put the hip down, the toes are pointing outwards. Now lower the butt as low as possible. Important: Be sure that your knees are bent at right angles and do not protrude beyond your toes. Meanwhile hold a dumbbell or a water bottle with both hands in front of the chest. 20 repetitions.

2. Butt lift

This is how it works: Go to the quadruped stand and rest with your elbows. Now one leg stretched off the ground. Ankle at hip level, the sole of the foot points up to the ceiling. Hold this position for about five seconds and return to the starting position. Important: Look straight down with your head so that the body forms a line. Change the leg. Three sets of 15 reps per leg.

3. Lunges

This is how it works: Stand upright and tense your stomach tight. Now take a big step forward with your right leg and bend your left leg. The knee should not protrude over the foot. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg. Three sets of 15 reps per leg. 

4. Pelvic lift

Here’s how it works: Lie on your back and bend your legs at a 90-degree angle. Now lift the pelvis and lower it slowly. Make sure that shoulders, pelvis and knees form a straight line. Three sets of 20 repetitions each.

5. Jumps

Here’s how it works: The starting point is the sumo squad. Keep your hands on the back of your head. Now jump up in an explosive way and stretch your arms far up. Gently cushion the jump and lower the butt as far as possible. 20 repetitions per page.