Celtic horoscope: which is your soul tree?

The Celtic horoscope is not about constellations, but about trees that are supposed to be connected to the soul. See for yourself which tree fits your birthday.

The Celtic horoscope – have you heard of it? The stars are not the only prophets when it comes to our traits. The Celts believed that it is the trees that are closely related to us.

Who were the Celts? An ancient ethnic group that lived in Europe during the fifth and sixth centuries BC. Little has been handed down from this time, so there is no reliable evidence that the Celtic horoscope was used at that time. It was not until the 19th century that it became known as the tree horoscope.

But that doesn't mean you can't get inspired. Have fun!

The apple tree

23.12 – 1.1 and 25.6 – 4.7

The apple tree stands for love. That is why the people who have this soul tree should also be particularly sensitive and charming. They are good listeners, helpful and believe in the good in people. This of course makes them many good friends.


2.1 – 11.1 and 5.7 – 14.7

Fir people are considered profound and mysterious. You never know what they are thinking because they protect their vulnerable soul. What is striking is their particular ambition with which they pursue their goals. Even if you fail once, you have enough strength to start over and over again.

The elm

12.1 – 24.1 and 15.7 – 25.7

People with this soul tree have a social streak, are helpful and attentive. They are very witty, can think quickly and are particularly intelligent. However, as much as they like to sacrifice themselves for others, just as little do they take instructions from others.

The cypress

25.1. – 3.2. and 26.7. – 4.8.

The cypress people are free spirits. As creative and freedom-loving as you are, you can always redesign your life. No matter what happens to them, they will find a way out of the dilemma. At work they are sometimes offensive because of their unusual way of thinking, which is why they are excellent self-employed.

The poplar

4.2. – 8.2. and 1.5. – 14.5. and 5.8. – 13.8.

These people tend to be indecisive. Although they are usually very attractive outwardly, they do not always have a confident demeanor. They are only brave when they really have to. On the other hand, they are also very practical and can organize well.

The hackberry

9.2. – 18.2. and 14.8. – 23.8.

People with the hackberry tree can adapt wonderfully to many situations because they are very flexible. They know their strengths and focus on them. However, it is above all the mind that they rely on. They are faithful in love – that is why it takes them a long time to decide on the right partner.

The jaw

19.2. – 29.2. and 24.8. – 2.9.

Pine people are very picky. You can quickly become enthusiastic about things and people and just as quickly lose interest in them. However, they are also very resilient, forward thinking and hardworking. You love the morning hours.


1.3. – 10.3. and 3.9. – 12.9.

Willow tree souls have a sense of beauty, but are also sometimes melancholy. You are honest, full of love and love to travel. Your intuition is extraordinary. They are particularly sensitive to other people.


11.3. – 20.3. and 13.9. – 22.9.

Linde people are calm and imaginative. However, this fantasy also leads them to lose themselves in daydreams and wish for a better future. Linden sometimes finds it difficult to tackle this. Nonetheless, these people are very popular because they are kind and self-sacrificing.

The Oak


Oak is robust and nothing can upset it so quickly. Just like the people who have this soul tree. You are steadfast, powerful, and brave. However, these strong people also need a lot of freedom in order to develop their great potential.

The olive tree


The olive tree, or olive tree, needs the sun. That is why these people have a cheerful disposition. They avoid aggression and arguments and they would never interfere in the lives of others. But that doesn't mean that they are indifferent to their fellow human beings. You are just calm and have great inner wisdom.

The hazel bush

22.3. – 31.3. and 24.9. – 3.10.

You may not see it at first glance, but they are exceptionally intelligent and can think at lightning speed. Your judgment is enviable. When they live together, they are very understanding and can easily win over people.

The mountain ash

1.4. – 10.4. and 4.10. – 13.10.

At first glance, people who have the mountain ash as a soul tree seem to have received rich gifts. Charming, tender and smiling. But there is more to it than that. They experience grief and joy deeply and intensely. They also have a tendency to take matters into their own hands and want to dominate others.

The Maple

11.4. – 20.4. and 14.10.

Maple people are free spirits who work best independently. Some would say they are vain. Others would call it confidence. In any case, they are original and do not let social conventions deter them.

The nut Tree

21.4. – 30.4. and 24.10. – 11.11.

These people are passionate – in all directions. They are full of contrasts, they can be warm, spontaneous and determined, and then selfish and aggressive. You never know what you're going to get and that is often particularly appealing to others.

The chestnut

15.5. – 24.5. and 12.11. – 21.11.

The chestnut is a soul tree for people who have a great sense of justice. But you never want to persuade others, you always want to convince through the cause. In love, however, they are easy to calculate and have concrete ideas. It would be better to recognize that life is not only black and white, but often also gray.

The ash

25.5. – 3.6. and 22.11. – 1.12.

Ambition, that is what distinguishes people with this soul tree. They are strong leaders. They are inquisitive and always interested in broadening their horizons. This can be overwhelming for those around you, but criticism does not deter Esche people.

The hornbeam

4.6. – 13.6. and 2.12. – 11.12.

People with the hornbeam soul tree have an extraordinary sense of beauty. They are attractive, have good taste and want to be admired for it. In their job they are disciplined and rational. However, they often think about it for a long time. This can mean that you lose opportunities.

The fig tree

14.6. – 23.6. and 12.12. – 21.12.

With the fig tree, people can very sensitively explore the moods of others. Your own, on the other hand, often appears cool and distant. But they are not at all, they are just afraid of showing themselves openly. Fig tree people need time to build healthy self-esteem.

The birch


The birch can also make a lot out of a little, because it doesn't ask much. Just like the people with this soul tree. You are measured and humble. But are they intelligent and imaginative above average. They just have to use it better.

The beech


Practical and true to life, that's what is said about people with this soul tree. Your attitudes are rather conservative. For them, a good job, a family and the right home are part of a comfortable life. Because of their lofty goals, they can easily become thought leaders for others.

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