Chalk pens for the window: creative tips for painting

Chalk pens for the window
Fun for the whole family

© Romrodphoto / Shutterstock

Do you want to let off steam creatively with your children? Then chalk pens for the window are exactly what you've been looking for.

Some activities with children depend on the season. These include, for example, collecting chestnuts, making leaf prints, flying kites and many, many more. Chalk pens for the window are particularly popular in winter, but are ideal all year round. Not only children love the fantastic and easy decoration, adults also like to paint their windows and let their creativity run wild.

Nice occupation

Do you remember when people used to paint their windows with window color? At the time, you often had no idea what a laborious job you would have to do when the decoration hung on the window forever and then had to be removed again at some point. Now it's the practical ones Chalk pens for the windowthat inspire young and old – and not only look great on the window in the children's room, but also on all windows throughout the house.
Chalk pens for windows are particularly popular in the Netherlands, the decorations are already a tradition. The pens are available in dozens of different colors and shapes.

With chalk pens you don't have to be particularly good at drawing or choose complicated patterns, because the window decoration is created quickly and easily – and wiped off the window at least as quickly. Simply remove the paint with a damp cloth or glass cleaner. So the window can be beautifully painted with chalk pens with suitable motifs in every season of the year – whether in spring, summer, autumn or winter. Great result guaranteed!

That's how it works:

  1. It's best to get yourself a great one Template book with motifs that fit perfectly in time – or simply one with timeless motifs.
  2. Then choose a motif and attach the template to the outside of the window with adhesive tape. So your drawing is protected from wind and weather.
  3. Before starting, clean both sides of the window with glass cleaner to avoid staining the pane in advance.
  4. Read the instructions carefully, choose a color and copy the template with the chalk pen on the inside of the window.
    Some pens need to be shaken with the cap closed before use and then pumped up and down on a piece of paper, point down, so that the chalk pen fills with color.
  5. Of course, you can just start painting without a template. This creates individual, beautiful pictures with chalk pens that not everyone has as a template.

Helpful tips

  • The Chalk pencils with a thick tip are particularly suitable for beautiful fonts. The Pencils with the thin tips conjure up super beautifully detailed images.
  • Pay attention to the proportions and the distribution of the window decorations. Of course, something doesn't have to be painted in every corner and on the entire pane, but there shouldn't be any tiny pictures on a huge window either.
  • Make sure to stick the template on the outside of the window so that you can trace much more precisely and nicely.
  • Start by painting the chalk pens on the window, preferably as a right-handed person on the top and left, so as not to wipe the decoration straight away. If you are left-handed, it should work best the other way around.
  • Do not despair if one or the other motif is a little crooked at the beginning or the lines are not quite straight. That doesn't matter at all, because in the end it can still look super nice and bring out the desired joy in one.

Chalk pens for the window: These templates are popular

Depending on the season, the windows with the Chalk pencils painted with different motifs. You will find something for every occasion in template books. Holidays like Easter, Halloween and Christmas are particularly popular. The window decoration looks super nice both inside and outside and creates a very special atmosphere in the house and in the street. Passers-by will also enjoy the painted windows and will surely leave you with a smile or two.

The following motifs can be seen particularly often all year round:

  • Garlands
  • Animals
  • Flowers
  • to sunbathe
  • Ice cream in the waffle
  • Hearts
  • Mandala
  • Quotes
  • claims

In winter, the window decoration mainly consists of:

  • Snow pictures: snowflakes, sledge, snowman
  • Christmas motifs: Christmas tree, nutcracker, Christmas tree balls, reindeer, gingerbread houses, stars

Once tried out, the chalk pens for the window will be indispensable. Try it yourself ?

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