“Chance to win the war”: Demand for “Leopard 2” for Ukraine is getting louder

“Chance of Winning the War”
Demand for “Leopard 2” for Ukraine is getting louder

So far, Germany has been reluctant to deliver battle tanks to Ukraine. After the recent Ukrainian successes, however, the SPD and FDP are calling for more support. Everyone agrees: Kyiv could possibly defeat Russia.

Ukraine can record a great military success in the fight against Russia. According to US experts, Ukrainian soldiers have reclaimed more territory in five days than Russian troops have occupied since April. After Ukraine’s military successes, calls for more weapons for Kyiv are also growing louder in Germany. However, the Foreign Minister has recently kept a low profile.

“In this new phase of the war, Ukraine needs weapons that enable it to liberate areas occupied by Russia and keep them under permanent control,” SPD foreign policy expert Michael Roth told the newspapers of the Funke media group. “The West, especially the USA, Germany, France and Poland, should quickly coordinate closely here and adapt their deliveries to the new situation.”

The successes of the Ukrainian army made it seem more and more realistic that Ukraine could win the war, according to the chairman of the foreign affairs committee in the Bundestag. “This would not have been possible without the delivery of modern Western weapons – including from Germany.” You shouldn’t slack off. Right now it is important to use the momentum for Ukraine.

“Fight for Democracy”

The chair of the Defense Committee, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, is also calling for further arms deliveries to Ukraine to support the advance. “Germany must immediately do its part in Ukraine’s successes and deliver protected vehicles, the Marder infantry fighting vehicle and the Leopard 2 main battle tank,” she said. Germany stands by the side of the Ukrainian people and assumes a “leading role in Europe in the fight for democracy in peace and freedom”.

The FDP politician also called for no time to be lost. “And certainly not this is the time for procrastination and hesitation,” she said. “The current military advance of the Ukrainian army and the first recaptured areas in the east of the country speak for the fighting power of Ukraine and the unconditional will to take back the conquered country – in connection with the delivery of heavy weapons and military equipment from its allies,” said Strack- carpenter. It is “therefore of decisive strategic importance that the West now and immediately supplies Ukraine with additional military equipment and heavy weapons”.

Of course, this view is shared in Kyiv: “In order to better protect and equip our soldiers, Ukraine urgently needs more arms deliveries right now,” said the mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, the “Bild” newspaper. “Leopard tanks from Germany, for example, are crucial so that the counteroffensive can continue quickly. My request to the German government is: deliver what you can to drive the Russian soldiers out of our country quickly.”

“Success also thanks to Western weapons”

Klitschko sees the advance of the Ukrainian army, especially in the east, as the first major military success, which was also made possible by Western support. “The whole world can see that the time has come: We’ll take our country back! What we’re experiencing now is the first major military success, also with the help of Western weapons.”

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said he sees no obstacles to supplying main battle tanks from Germany. Until Berlin decides to do so, Germany should continue to supply artillery ammunition. “This noticeably increases our offensive options and helps us to liberate new areas,” said the chief diplomat at a joint appearance with Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Saturday during their visit to Kyiv.

The German foreign minister reacted cautiously to the Ukrainian demand. “We have been supplying heavy weapons for a long time. And we see that these heavy weapons also make a difference in terms of support for Ukraine,” she emphasized. Specifically, Baerbock named multiple rocket launchers, self-propelled howitzers and anti-aircraft tanks of the Gepard type. Germany will deliver ten more of the latter as soon as possible.

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