Charlene of Monaco: this drastic choice of her parents to support her in the trials

After a series of health problems, Charlène of Monaco is better and it is largely thanks to a decision of her parents.

  • Princess Charlene of Monaco has resumed her role in the principality
  • She had to be absent for many months to recover
  • One remedy in particular did him a lot of good

The Princess of Monaco lived through some complicated months before being able to return home, and if she is now much better, it is thanks to several things, starting with her family. Close to her brothers and her parents, Charlene of Monaco now has the pleasure of being close to her parents since Lynette and Mike Wittstock recently left the city of Johannesburg in South Africa to settle in Monaco. The couple put their suitcases in a large house in La Turbie, a small town near the principality from which they can go to see their daughter more often than when they were on another continent. A highly beneficial move for the wife of Albert II of Monaco who, during an interview with Monaco Morningsaid : “My family and those I love are my pillars.”

As a reminder, the princess had to face, in 2021 and 2022, many health problems, starting with an ENT infection that required several operations when she was on the move in South Africa, where she grew up. Charlene of Monaco was then stuck there for several months, unable to be allowed to fly because of her serious infection. Weakened and isolated, she only made a quick return to Monaco before leaving for a private clinic in Switzerland where she was able to recover. She is now doing better, but keep in mind her fragile state of recent months. “I approach the future step by step, one day at a time”.

Charlene of Monaco: “It’s the first time I’ve felt so good”

Reassuring words to which Charlene of Monaco even added: “I want to say that in recent years this is the first time that I have felt so good.”. According to a source close to the Palace of Monaco cited by the DailyMailthe move of Charlene’s parents from Monaco right next to the principality made “a huge difference. They give her a sense of security and help her remember the more carefree times when she lived in South Africa before becoming Princess of Monaco”. Also note thatone of Charlene de Monaco’s brothers, Gareth Wittstock, has lived in Monaco for 10 years to watch over his sister and that his other brother, Sean, calls him very regularly. Prince Albert’s wife is therefore very well surroundedand would even have turned more to religion to get through the various hardships she has experienced in recent years.

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