Charles III acclaimed? His popularity rating on the rise with the British

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As he prepares for his coronation and tensions within the royal family are still palpable, Charles III seems to be succeeding in uniting. According to a survey, the popularity rating of the new king is in good shape among our British neighbors.

Charles III intends to impose his style. Hardly had his reign begun, the king who will be crowned on May 6, 2023 in London is preparing in the greatest secrecy the largest series of royal family tours around the world. This would not leave him time to travel to Egypt next month on the occasion of COP27 despite his commitment to the climate, which has been renewed on many occasions.

At the same time, Charles III must take care to good relations within the royal family whereas tensions have been heightened during the funeral of his mother Elisabeth II last month. Especially since Prince Harry with whom the rag is burning is about to publish the first volume of an autobiography announced as being explosive. The appointment at the booksellers is fixed for January 10, 2023, Charles III would already prepare the counter-offensive in the event that certain passages would harm the Crown…

And if he is the subject of recurring criticism, as much for his behavior as for his choices in terms of spending, Charles III seems to unite around him. You have to believe in reading a survey carried out by the Redfield and Wilton Institute, and relayed by the DailyMail Saturday October 29.

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Prince William far ahead

Charles III must act to be perceived as the worthy successor of Elizabeth II, much appreciated by her subjects. According to the survey, 58% of Britons believe he will make a good king, and almost one in two has a positive opinion of him since he became king. Still according to the results of this study, they would be only 13% to give him an unfavorable opinion. Suffice to say that the beginnings of his reign are promising! Furthermore, 24% of Britons have changed their minds about him and therefore now have a better opinion of him since he is no longer Prince of Wales.

Moreover, his eldest son who now bears this title still remains far ahead of him. Prince William actually capitalizes 70% favorable opinion. His wife Kate Middleton is also placed in front of him, up to 72%, despite the latest revelations about him. Would the couple already be ready to take over in the hearts of the British? To increase his popularity, King Charles III will have to make an impression during his next stays in the various Commonwealth countries where he plans to visit with his wife Camilla Parker Bowles.

Jonathan Hammard


If writing is a pleasure, being read is even more so. Passionate about pop-culture, Jonathan sets the tempo in the right key to keep you always well informed. Attracted by …

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