Charles III: His very surprising revelations about his sex life with Lady Diana

While the prince harry is about to publish his memoirs Spare published by Penguin Random House on January 10, 2023, it’s about his father, the King Charles III what comes out of a book The King: The Life of Charles III this Tuesday, November 8, 2022 (see slideshow cover), a biography written by journalist Christopher Andersen.

In this book, the eldest son of the Queen Elizabeth II returns to his relationship with Lady Diana. A marriage qualified as “highly combustible” by Christopher Andersen who tells the underside of this union which occurred on July 29, 1981, among other things under pressure from Charles’s father, the prince philip despite his son’s attraction to Camilla Shand, now queen consort.

“Why don’t you sleep with me anymore?”

According to the author of the book, King Charles III, at the time a prince, had shown himself more and more distant towards Diana who reproached him for not making love with her since the birth of their son Harry in 1984. “Why don’t you sleep with me anymore?”she asked him. “I don’t know dear. I must surely be gay”, had replied her husband with irony. The book also reports that Prince Charles and Princess Diana sometimes violently sparred in the halls of the Highgrove estate. To the point that the latter would have said to her husband: “You will never be king. William will succeed your mother, I will see to it!”

No celebration planned for King Charles III’s 74th birthday on November 14

Twenty-five years after the death of Lady Diana, Charles III, who will celebrate his 74th birthday on November 14, is indeed king of the United Kingdom. In this regard, according to Philip Kyle, author of the book Charles III (Perrin editions) with our colleagues from Galano national celebration is planned for this date. “Nothing very lavish should be arranged, he asserted. I would be very surprised if a major public event was imagined for his birthday, especially given the current economic context.” Moreover, Charles III will be officially crowned on May 6, 2023 in London.

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