Charles III: the story of his visit to a small Burgundian restaurant in 1990

The new British sovereign, Charles III, is very fond of France. He also often crossed the Channel to visit France and in particular Burgundy one day in December 1990. Passing through the town of Autun, he took the opportunity to have lunch at the Little Rolin, a typical restaurant of the region. The trace of his passage is still present, thanks to an autograph, left in the guestbook of the establishment.

Geneviève Lamy, the owner of the place keeps an intact memory of this Sunday, December 2, 1990. The service comes to an end when the Canon of the city tumbles to the Little Rolin to announce the arrival of a distinguished guest. “He warns us saying ‘I’m going to bring you someone famous’ and he says ‘it’s Prince Charles. Take care of him because he really needs to eat’. And indeed, maybe be 20 minutes later, he comes back, he opens the door and it was really Prince Charles,” she said.

“He really talked to us, he was charming”

Passionate about Romanesque art, Prince Charles has just visited the 12th century cathedral which sits in the city. He then sits down at the table and orders. “He ate a crapiales without ham. It’s one of our specialties. It’s a big crepe with egg, potatoes, salad on the side and cottage cheese on it. It’s due to the belly (laughter)”.

The table where Prince Charles had lunch.
Jean-Luc Boujon/Europe 1

Obviously his presence in this small restaurant did not go unnoticed. “I had a large table of young people from the military school at the back of the restaurant and when they saw Prince Charles come in, they all stood at attention. And Prince Charles was really very surprised on the blow”, remembers Geneviève Lamy.

The owner of the restaurant has excellent memories of the monarch. “He really chatted with you, he was charming. And he speaks French perfectly.” Prince Charles’ table therefore still exists, near the wall, with its small colored lamp. But now, to spend a royal evening, it is the table “of King Charles III” that you will have to ask Geneviève Lamy.

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