Charlotte Valandrey at its worst: she makes a new strong announcement from the hospital

Charlotte Valandrey gradually finds a smile. Tuesday June 14, 2022, on her Instagram account, she announced great news about her state of health. Hospitalized for many weeks, she regained hope.

Charlotte Valandrey had lost hope and yet very good news arrived on Tuesday June 14, 2022. She has been hospitalized for many weeks in intensive care awaiting a heart. “My heart has come to an end and so I’m waiting for the one that will be my 3rd. It can happen at any time. I need all your positive vibes, love, kindness, your prayers“, she confided to her fans, on her Instagram account, on June 8, 2022. Tuesday, June 14, 2022, it was once again through the social network that she announced the great news.

My graft has just arrived and it was high time! That’s wonderful. Thank you for all your prayers. They heard you. I will never forget him“, she shared. The comedian who has been living with HIV since the age of 17 has received many congratulatory messages from her followers.”No better news to start the day! A huge thank you to the donors… They give life!“, “Happy news! Everything will be fine and above all keep us posted. You will live again at 100 an hour!“, can we read among the comments.

Charlotte Valandrey once had two hearts

Charlotte Valandrey’s hearts have suffered greatly. “I had two heart attacks because of the AZT treatments and in 2003 I had to undergo a heart transplant. I had 10% heart capacity left“, she had explained in the magazine good in my lifeThursday, June 9, 2022. She finally hopes that life will be more tender with her and that everything will go well with her new graft.

© Giancarlo Gorassini

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Charlotte Valandrey
Charlotte Valandrey is an actress.


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Charlotte Valandrey
Charlotte Valandrey is going to have a new graft.

© Christopher Clovis

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Charlotte Valandrey
Charlotte Valandrey at a gala.


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Charlotte Valandrey
Charlotte Valandrey is 53 years old.

© Denis Guignebourg

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Charlotte Valandrey
Charlotte Valandrey has HIV.

© Christopher Clovis

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Charlotte Valandrey
Charlotte Valandrey played in Tomorrow belongs to us.

© Bruno Bébert

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Charlotte Valandrey
Charlotte Valandrey has starred in many TV movies.


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Charlotte Valandrey
Charlotte Valandrey all smiles.


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Charlotte Valandrey
Charlotte Valandrey during a concert.


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Charlotte Valandrey
Charlotte Valandrey is active on social networks.


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Charlotte Valandrey
Charlotte Valandrey is currently hospitalized in intensive care.

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