Charlotte Valandrey awaiting a heart transplant, she announces great news


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This Tuesday, June 14, Charlotte Valandrey had an important announcement to make to her fans!

She had been waiting for it for a long time! The French actress and writer has been hospitalized for several weeks now, awaiting a heart transplant. At 53, Charlotte Valandrey has just receive the long-awaited good news and did not hesitate to share it with her fans who follow her very closely. On Instagram, she shared a photo of a poppy field with writing on it “My graft…”. It is in legend that she will explain that her graft “Just arrived”. “And it was high time. That’s wonderful.” can we read on his publication.

The actress, who has had HIV for years, also wanted to thank all these fans for their support. “Thank you for all your prayers. They heard you. I will never forget him” she wrote. This news warmed the hearts of his thousands of subscribers on Instagram who did not hesitate to leave him comments. “You deserve it, that’s why it happened”, “No better news to start the day!” or “So happy with this good news!” could we read under the post of Charlotte Valandrey, who was lately in intensive care.

Charlotte Valandrey: her new heart is on the way

On his hospital bed since May 30, Charlotte Valandrey gave her news quite often to her fans. “Hello everybody. I didn’t know how to tell you this, but I’m going to be away for a while yet. I tell you later” she had posted as soon as she arrived at the hospital. She accompanied these few words with a photo of her bedridden, but always with a smile on her face. A few days later, she gave more details to her subscribers. “Hello everyone! I haven’t been in intensive care for a month for a history of medication. My heart has come to an end and I am therefore waiting for the one who will be my 3rd heart. It can happen at any time. I need all your positive vibes. Of love, of kindness, of your prayers. Because the Warrior is less Warrior….” confided the actress. Diagnosed HIV-positive at the age of 18, the actress underwent a heart transplant in 2006 following triple therapy. Despite her difficult daily life marked by the heavy treatment she has to follow, Charlotte Valandrey does not give up. “I managed to make peace with that.” she confided to the magazine Gala. Today, life smiles at him again and it is soon with a new heart that she will be able to welcome him with open arms.

People, TV, society culture… Emna likes to vary the subjects and talk about a bit of everything. She loves to write and takes great pleasure in keeping you up to date with the latest…

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