Charlotte Valandrey in a coma after her transplant: revelations about her “complications” before her death

July 13, 2022 will forever remain a sad date for those close to Charlotte Valandrey. That day, the actress notably seen in tomorrow belongs to us and Tailpiece, judge and cop died at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris, at the age of 53. Last moments told by one of his relatives in the Instagram story of his official account.

Anne-Charlotte Pascal, known as Charlotte Valandrey died today, July 13, 2022 in Paris, at the age of 53. On June 14, Charlotte had to have emergency surgery to replace her ‘second-hand heart’ as she called him but this new transplant did not takethis third heart did not live“, Charlotte Valandrey’s subscribers were first able to read. They then discovered that Tara’s mother (22, fruit of her former union with Arthur Lecaisne) was “plunged into an artificial coma to escape pain and complications“.”A few days ago, she briefly left to express her exhaustion and the imperious wish to join Anne-Marie, her deceased mother.“, is it then written.

Charlotte Valandrey’s relative also recalled that she contracted the AIDS virus at the age of 17. She then had to take a treatment which has “damaged his heart“. So she underwent a first heart transplant in 2003. An operation that lasted no less than twelve hours. But her heart had reached the end of its course and, unfortunately, the new one did not hold. Before leaving, the actress wrote a moving poem to her daughter, to bid her farewell.In the new millennium, you fell from the sky. In 2000, I was a mother, you gave me back my life. May these words forever fill our silences. Let them tell your soul what I don’t know how to tell you. May they hug you like your words hugged me this morning. ‘The best of mothers’. The prettiest of children“, we were able to read in particular.

Charlotte Valandrey will be buried privately in Pléneuf-Val André. A religious ceremony will be organized in September, in Paris.

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