ChatGPT-5 will perform some tasks at the level of a doctoral student, according to OpenAI


ChatGPT is OpenAI’s chatbot, based on the GPT artificial intelligence model, allowing you to answer all kinds of questions or requests. Available in free online version.

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Many OpenAI AI users are eagerly awaiting GPT-5. And according to the company, his level would be equivalent to that of a doctoral student to carry out certain specific tasks. In any case, this is what Mira Murati, chief technology officer of the company, explained during an interview with Dartmouth Engineering.

GPT-5 will perform some high-level tasks

According to Mira Murati, GPT-3’s intelligence is comparable to that of a child learning to walk, while GPT-4 is closer to that of a high school student. “In the coming years, we’re looking at PhD-level intelligence for specific tasks. Things are changing and improving very quickly”, explains the manager about GPT-5. The AI ​​will therefore be able to respond to certain requests with this level of qualification, but this will not be the case “for a large number of tasks”she specifies.

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Quid of the release date of GPT-5, while previous information predicted summer 2024? Asked by the interviewer to specify the timetable, Mira Murati speaks of a year and a half. It is therefore possible that this new version of the AI ​​will arrive at the end of 2025 or the beginning of 2026. Users will have to be patient.

As a reminder, Kevin Scott, Microsoft’s chief technology officer, says that next-generation AI will be “able to pass doctoral exams” with the help of better memory and improved reasoning, reports Windows Central.

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