ChatGPT and AI: omnipresence in the media summarized in a few figures

Thibaut Keutchayan

June 02, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.


AI ChatGPT © Muchlis Akbar /

© Muchlis Akbar / Shutterstock

Do you feel that not a day goes by that you don’t hear about ChatGPT, and more broadly about artificial intelligence? Don’t worry, it’s almost normal.

The media monitoring platform in France Tagaday has looked in detail at the media coverage of AI over the past 10 years, and media coverage of related topics has simply exploded over the past year.

At Clubic, we can’t say that we are outdone…

… and you will tell us that it is not abnormal. For good reason, there are now few days when there is no question of artificial intelligence. Indeed, image generators such as DALL-E or Midjourney crystallize the tensions around copyright, or on the categorization of their content as art. On the political side, ChatGPT was banned in Italy for a month, while the Danish Prime Minister addressed parliament with a speech partially written by OpenAI’s chatbot.

In short, AI does not leave anyone indifferent, and it shows in the media treatment. According Tagadaywhich combed through more than 3,000 print and online media publications as well as 5,400 TV and radio news programs from January 2013 to May 2023, ChatGPT plays ” a visibility accelerator role for AI without media competitors “.

Since November 2022, synonymous with the launch of ChatGPT, no less than 1 in 6 articles with the subject of AI have at least mentioned the conversational agent of OpenAI, according to Tagaday. The effect on media treatment of AI is all the greater as according to the media monitoring platform, 24% of AI-related articles written in the last decade have been… since the launch from ChatGPT.

A catalyst named ChatGPT

Suffice to say that the competition is fierce and that the vast majority of media space is monopolized by ChatGPT. When it comes to the representativeness of different AIs in news topics, ChatGPT is mentioned at 80%, compared to 9% for Bard, 7% for Midjourney and 4% for DALL-E. Interestingly, Google’s chatbot didn’t arouse more curiosity than that, according to Tagadayand suffered a rapid loss of steam when ChatGPT’s “media” popularity continued to grow.

ChatGPT Media Coverage © © Tagaday

© Tagaday

More broadly, media coverage of AI has literally exploded over the past year, going from an average of 200 articles per month in 2013 to 15,000 per month in 2022, and even 30,000 per month since the start of 2023. And nothing indicates that this is doomed to fade.



  • Chat in different languages, including French
  • Generate, translate and get a text summary
  • Generate, optimize and correct code

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a conversational agent based on the GPT-3 language model. This chat platform uses deep learning and artificial intelligence to understand and interpret user queries, then generate relevant responses.

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a conversational agent based on the GPT-3 language model. This chat platform uses deep learning and artificial intelligence to understand and interpret user queries, then generate relevant responses.

Source : Tagaday

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