ChatGPT improves with the ability to analyze files and modify them


ChatGPT is OpenAI’s chatbot, based on the GPT artificial intelligence model, allowing you to answer all kinds of questions or requests. Available in free online version.

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    Free license
  • Categories:

    Internet – Information

  • Operating system :

    Android, Online service, iOS iPhone / iPad

While Google’s Bard is trying as best it can to catch up, ChatGPT continues to evolve, whether via its website or Bing Chat. OpenAI has also formalized something new for ChatGPT Plus subscribers: support for external files. But that’s not all !

Parsing files in ChatGPT

The deployment of two new features is underway for ChatGPT Plus users.

The first allows you to ask the conversational agent to analyze files, such as PDFs for example. It will thus be possible to ask ChatGPT to deliver information on these documents based on multiple user requests. Previously, it was necessary to go through an extension to benefit from this type of service.

Incidentally, ChatGPT benefits from another welcome development: the possibility of generating or modifying an image from a personal file. For this, Artificial Intelligence uses DALL-E 3, the latest version of the famous image generation AI.

The second big new feature is the automatic use of the various ChatGPT tools based on requests. While manual selection was previously required to ask the AI ​​to search the web, analyze data or even use DALL-E, ChatGPT Plus users can simply write their query and let the chatbot deduce the corresponding tool. Please note, a manual choice option is still possible.

These new features are being deployed on ChatGPT. All Plus members will be able to benefit from it in the days to come.

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