ChatGPT used to scam Booking customers, attacks are increasing is a free mobile app and online platform that allows you to select and book accommodation, flights and other rental services for your stays.

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Microsoft and OpenAI have been warning for some time that ChatGPT is being misused for malicious purposes. The Booking platform, which allows you to reserve hotels, is affected by these AI-driven attacks. The Dutch company advises its customers to exercise caution.

Phishing via ChatGPT explodes

More precisely, ChatGPT is implicated in a growing number of phishing attempts, says Marnie Wilking, head of security and information at Booking. The entire hotel sector is affected by this phenomenon, the same for catering. The increase is between 500 and 900% worldwide, the Booking executive told AFP.

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Of course, these attempts have always existed. But their proliferation coincides with the launch of ChatGPT, says Marnie Wilking. Scammers simply enter a request into the AI ​​to imitate emails from Booking and push victims to reveal private information such as their identifiers or their bank card number. All in any language. These fraudulent messages also contain corrupted attachments.

Vacationers are not the only targets of these phishing attempts. Even hoteliers are targeted, since an accommodation professional “will probably open the attachment”. According to Marnie Wilking, scammers are taking advantage “helpful nature” of the sector who wants to help customers as best as possible.

Booking shares its recommendations to avoid getting scammed. The first rule, the most basic and simplest, is implementing two-factor authentication. Of course, it takes a few minutes, but this feature will protect you as much as possible. The other tip is to not click on any suspicious links. If in doubt, “call the property, hosts and customer service”indicates the Dutch company.

AI is also used to thwart these attacks

According to Marnie Wilking, these attacks come from warlike states like Russia or China. “Why would a nation state go after a hotel chain? If it’s a hotel chain that they know is frequented by a U.S. senator, why wouldn’t they go after She ?”asks the head of security and information at Booking.

Of course, AI is also used to thwart these attacks and the technology is not only used for malicious purposes. Booking and other market players use it to more easily spot certain suspicious listings with a rental price that is too low. The goal is to detect them before they are put online or to delete them before any reservation.

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