Child therapist: This is how you recognize a good mother

"Me, a good mother?" Constance, a mother from Australia, couldn't believe it. But the words of a child therapist convinced her.

Constance Hall is a fun-loving hippie mom from Australia who is refreshingly honest about her worries and general imperfection on her blog A lot of women out there like that. Over a million Facebook fans speak for themselves.

A child therapist made her rethink

The other day she wrote another post that speaks very deeply to our hearts and should put the constant guilty conscience away for many mothers – at least for a short time!

Constance writes about a childhood therapist friend she met a few weeks ago. She looked at Constance, looked at her two children and said: "You are such a good mother."

Costance first had to snort. She replies:

"I don't feel like a good mother at all. The children drive me crazy, I lose my nerve and I fall asleep in the evening with the thought of where to get my patience for the next day."

Is that familiar to you? Then read what the therapist replied:

"Babies cry, it's their way of communicating. Toddlers scream, schoolchildren whine, and teenagers complain. Then moms quietly mumble the words 'bloody shit' before answering the kids. That's how we communicate.

But you know what, Con? It's better than silence.

A house full of screaming kids and quarreling teenagers and a parent who has constant questions and requests thrown at their heads is a healthy home for me.

I worry about the quiet kids, the scared toddlers, the teenagers who don't come home, and the parents who aren't talking to their kids.

And the children DO don't you mad. You were insane before. That's why you got it in the first place. "

You don't have to say more about it, do you? All that screaming and arguing is exhausting, yes. But it's also healthy. So be proud of yourselves. Holy shit. ? c

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