Children who take naps would be the first in school

/ Mom / Child / Children who take naps would be the first at school

Parents know better than anyone that naps are very beneficial for their toddler, but this American study reveals many other benefits that are still unknown for the youngest.

One more reason to dive into the arms of Morpheus! According to this study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of California, Irvine, published in the journal Sleep, children who take a midday nap are likely to be happier, more successful at school and have fewer behavioral problems.

To arrive at such a finding, the researchers looked at the case of 2,928 children aged 10 to 12 years. They collected information on toddlers from grades 4 to 6, focusing on the frequency and duration of their naps. The scientists then compared certain data with each other, such as the level of happiness but also the level of glucose and the body mass index.

Better results in the classroom

In addition, the researchers asked teachers to provide information about their students' behavior and their academic performance. Combining all these elements, the study showed that children who took naps at least three times a week had positive results with a 7.6% increase in their academic performance in 6th, according to Adrian Raine, neurocriminologist at the 'University of Pennsylvania and study co-author. The nap is also favorable to increase "higher happiness, courage and self-control, higher verbal IQ and better academic achievement" while it reduces the risk of "internalizing behavior problem", indicate the results.

However, to avoid ending up with completely disordered children, it is important to monitor your toddler's sleep time during naps. Ideally, it is advisable to take micro-naps, which should not exceed 20 to 30 minutes maximum.

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