Children’s development through games and video games

Play is something very natural in children. It allows them to have a lot of fun. And this pleasure obtained by the game, including the video game, makes it possible to direct the child towards activities which will enable him to develop at various levels. Because he will have to exercise his gaming activity within the framework of well-defined rules, using his thinking as by learning via a virtual reality headset by acquiring skills and knowledge and by having social interactions with others.

The development of intellectual skills

During the game, all of the child’s senses will be used and thus the acquisition of knowledge will take place much more easily. He will often have to repeat certain actions and he will also notice that each of his actions has consequences, such as cheat at Scrabble for example, which in itself is not advisable. It will also be an opportunity for him to strongly develop his imagination.

The development of social skills

Games where the child will have social interactions will be preferred. Thus, the child will learn to express his ideas in front of other people and this will allow him to better put his thoughts in order, to develop his language, his communication skills. He will also have to learn to argue, to find compromises, etc. He will also learn to listen, a skill unfortunately still insufficiently developed in adults. He will learn to detect different emotions in others and to adapt to his environment.

physical development

The child will have the opportunity to develop his motor skills through games or video games. Games with significant physical activity (thank you virtual reality headsets!) will be good for his health. They will allow him to spend himself, to use all his energy and this will allow him to release endorphins, ensuring a feeling of well-being. It will also promote muscle development and improved agility. Physical games with well-established rules will also allow him to develop his intellectual abilities and if in addition they are group games where there are social interactions, this type of game will develop various skills in the child.

sensory development

Everything that favors the child’s five senses – namely sight, smell, hearing, touch and why not taste – should be favoured. Even so often, it is the touch that is put forward in sensory games. In these games, the child will often be encouraged to manipulate objects and better understand the notions of size, weight, shape and texture.

To from 2 months

From 2 months and up to the age of 2 years, so-called exercise games are to be preferred. These are simple games, such as throwing objects, catching various items, jumping, climbing, etc. They will allow the child to develop his motor skills, to discover his body. These simple games make it possible, thanks to a rapid achievement of the objective, to provide an immediate feeling of satisfaction for the child. These games can last until the age of 9, evolving in terms of complexity of course, but from the age of 2, they can be combined with other types of games. At the level of the video game, it will however be necessary to be careful not to leave them alone in front of a tablet, and to limit the exposure time.

To from 2 years old

Mainly from 2 to 4 years old, but also beyond, the child can play at imitating reality. He can play mom and dad, play with toy cars, situation games that he will invent himself. This will allow him to integrate social norms and develop his communication skills. And in video games, his imagination is limitless!

To from 2-3 years old

From 2-3 years old, the child can start playing games with well-defined rules. This allows him to understand the role of the rules, the place of the other, of the group and allows him to improve his social skills and to understand his place in society. It also allows him to understand that in life, you can’t always win and that you sometimes have to accept losing. Matching games where the rule is intrinsic to the game are good for children from this age. Educational video games are perfect for this period, avoiding any violence.

To from the acquisition of reading and writing

There, the field of possibilities opens up and many board games can be used by the child. Of course, scrabble is a great idea, because it will allow him to develop his vocabulary, his writing skills, but also his mathematical skills thanks to the counting of points. He can play it on a set, or in a video game, allowing in addition to playing online against other people, seeing his grandparents located at the other end of the country.

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