China warns of “vicious circle”: Biden: US response to drone attack is certain

China warns of “vicious circle”
Biden: US response to drone attack has been determined

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A drone kills three US soldiers and injures dozens in Jordan. President Biden believes the aircraft came from Iran. According to the Democrat, it is already clear how Washington wants to respond to the attack.

US President Joe Biden says he has decided on a response to the drone attack in Jordan that left three American soldiers dead. However, the president did not want to give any details on the way to his helicopter in Washington. More than 40 people were also injured in the drone attack on a US base in Jordan over the weekend.

Asked how the U.S. response would differ from previous responses to attacks by Iran-backed groups, Biden said: “We’ll see.” The US president said he held Iran responsible for supplying the weapons used in the attack. Tehran has so far denied any connection to the attack.

Republicans demand punishment for Tehran

The deadly drone attack increased fears of a further escalation of the conflict in the Middle East. However, Biden assured that he is not seeking a “major war” in the Middle East. “That is not my goal,” said the Democrat. Republican lawmakers have called on the 81-year-old to punish Tehran for the attack. Some also urged direct attacks on Iran.

However, Biden’s administration believes that an attack on Iranian territory could further destabilize the region. US media reported that attacks on Iranian-backed militias and possibly Iranian Revolutionary Guard facilities in other countries are more likely. The White House announced a “very consistent” response to the attack on Monday.

Russia and China warned of a further escalation of violence in the region. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov spoke of a “very worrying level of tension” and China warned of a “vicious circle of retaliation.”

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