China’s “Greater Bay Area” is supposed to integrate Hong Kong into the mainland – but 25 years after the colony’s return, the borders are practically tight

The largest integrated economic area in the world is to be created in southern China. The metropolises of Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou want to compete with places like San Francisco.

Hong Kong should grow closer to the mainland. But Covid is making development more difficult.

Billy Hc Kwok / Bloomberg

On paper, practically all experts seem to agree that the plan is impressive. The Chinese government wants to create the largest integrated economic area in the world around the Pearl River Delta – and thus, among other things, tie the former British colony of Hong Kong, which is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its return to China this Friday, closer to the mainland. 86 million people live in the so-called Greater Bay Area (GBA), more than in Germany.

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