Chinese horoscope for Monday, November 1, 2021

Chinese horoscope of the day: discover the Chinese horoscope of Aufeminin for Monday, November 1, 2021

Horoscope Rat

On the love side, you can hope to experience a phase of well-being and calm in your married life. Professionally, the day will not be easy. You will have to give all your care to your professional activities, even if the profitability does not seem to you in relation to the effort to be provided. From a health point of view, if you have had health difficulties lately you will see the end of the tunnel. On the financial level, your tone of the day will undoubtedly encourage you to bring out old projects more or less buried.

Chinese proverb of the day: without wine there is no banquet possible.

Ox horoscope

You will gather in this period very good prospects as regards your romantic situation. When it comes to work, you are drowning in your load of tasks and lacking the time to get everything done. Your health, for its part, is slowing down a bit. You will surely want to be in better physical condition quickly. Financially, protecting the planet Jupiter will give you material opportunities you never dared dream of.

Chinese proverb of the day: a rich fool is a rich, a poor fool is a fool.

Tiger Horoscope

As for your heart, it is very likely that a person who is considerably more mature than you will upset your emotions. At work, those of you who were counting on a promotion or hoping to see your efforts recognized will still have to wait. Your health above all! Refrain from overeating and avoid alcohol, tobacco, and overly spicy foods. Your stomach and your liver could blame you. In terms of finances, the mood is in good shape. The opportunity, why not, to please yourself: you deserve it!

Chinese proverb of the day: Marriage is the tomb of romance.

Horoscope Cat

On the heart side, the planets offer you more stability. You are looking to anchor yourself. Do not hesitate to show your love to your loved ones. On a professional level, you may feel uncomfortable in your work. Delays and annoyances will put your nerves on edge. Try to dominate yourself anyway, knowing that things will work out on their own soon. From a health point of view, watch out for stimulants: you are really better off if you brake a little on the coffee! Regarding your wallet, you certainly have something else to do today than go through your bank accounts and that’s fine.

Chinese proverb of the day: you can do anything you want.

Dragon Horoscope

Regarding your love life, everything will be achievable provided you break the card of daring. In the work, you will have to provide sustained efforts. This will be the only way to get out of it the best you can. On the health side, make sure you follow a diet that keeps you in good physical condition vis-à-vis the stressful life you lead. Financial transactions will be excellent. You will have new possibilities to diversify or increase your income.

Chinese proverb of the day: what strikes the eye is true; it is not the same with what strikes the ears

Snake horoscope

On the heart side, thanks to the planets, you see everything with a more serene eye. Enjoy this tranquility in your relationship. Professionally, any impulsive act will end in failure. You have decided to start a sports activity to feel better in your body, and it will be successful for you! Nothing better than a little session to feel more connected with yourself. Money level, very careful about your expenses, you have managed to save enough to live peacefully and why not do some projects!

Chinese proverb of the day: great souls have will, weak souls have only wishes.

Horse Horoscope

Regarding your sentimental life, as a duo, your intellectual exchanges are as important at this time as sensuality. At work, everything should be fine, but your temperamental temper is likely to take its toll. If you explode, you will ruin all your chances. What about your health? Your energy will be a real roller-coaster ride during this time. When it comes to money, in principle you should not encounter any difficulties on the financial front.

Chinese proverb of the day: be rich and your words are held to be true; be poor, we don’t take them for real.

Horoscope Goat

On the heart side, singles will experience a positive period. As for work, you are under pressure because the deadlines are approaching. Remember to discuss it with your colleagues, benevolent support can always come. Health ? This is not a problem now, however, take care of your diet so you don’t run out of energy. On the money side, you control your budget with a lot of realism and you check with whom it may concern before making decisions.

Chinese proverb of the day: advising is easy, helping is difficult.

Monkey Horoscope

On the love side, you will live happy days with your spouse or partner. At work, don’t make too many plans today – it could turn out badly. Your health is getting better, continue your efforts to improve your hygiene of life: your body will thank you for it. What is happening from a money perspective? Your finances will get better and you will smile again.

Chinese proverb of the day: Knowing one’s ignorance is the best part of knowing

Rooster Horoscope

On the love side, your relationship with your spouse will be a cause of joy and well-being for you. As for your professional life, you are entering a more stressful period than the others. If you keep your self-confidence, you’ll find that you don’t have to worry about it. On the health side, after the tensions of recent times, you may now need to indulge yourself a bit on the food front to cheer yourself up. Well, go ahead, without running into the problems. On the financial side, the good life is yours! You will be more determined than ever to live as pleasant a life as possible. Indeed, improving your material situation will allow you to satisfy certain desires.

Chinese proverb of the day: we know the right sources in drought, and good friends in adversity.

Dog Horoscope

Sentimentally, it is love with a capital A that you just might find. In your profession, avoid dealing with important matters today. But you will soon be in better shape. Regarding your health, remember that you are sensitive to changes in mercury and that you need to take some steps if you do not want to suffer a drop in vitality. On the silver side, you are comfortably endowed. You’ve worked hard and are finally reaping the rewards of your success, well done!

Chinese proverb of the day: you have to beat the iron when it is still hot.

Pig Horoscope

How are your loves going? You will believe that you can avoid all the worries and arrange yourself so that your beautiful love does not take a wrinkle. Passion and impatience would indeed be bad advisers. Nothing to report in terms of health today. However, if you feel a drop in tone, learn to relax during the day by respecting short periods of rest that will allow you to decompress. On the money side, you will be able to estimate as accurately as possible the risks to be taken in order to make your resources grow without compromising the balance of your current material situation.

Chinese proverb of the day: if all men knew the pleasure of giving, there would be no rich.

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