Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020, day of the Water Rabbit: Current Woman The MAG


  • Rat, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Beef, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Tiger, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Rabbit, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Dragon, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Snake, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Horse, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Goat, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Monkey, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Rooster, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Dog, your daily Chinese horoscope
  • Pig, your daily Chinese horoscope

Every day, his energy! Like Marc Angel, who studies the stars to deliver their message to you in his horoscope, every morning Stéphanie Gelbart gives you her predictions based on the Chinese horoscope. Today, Saturday December 26, 2020, the day is placed under the influence of Water Rabbit.

This horoscope of a new kind is an invitation to measure your evolution over the cycles that you will find every 60 days. To do this, it is strongly recommended that you write down your impressions of the day in a notebook or in your Kairoscope logbook. Let us now see in detail what the astrologer recommends to you for this day of December 26, 2020.

Rat, your Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020

Make sure you have a impeccable speech. Your environment demands or demands so much attention from you can wear you out. Take the time to express how you are feeling. You are willing to give your best if you only have set your own limits. It is in this dynamic that you move forward with much greater ease. Note in your logbook in which circumstance (s) you were able to express your feelings and what this gave you. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Rat

Beef or Buffalo, your Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020

Like an irrepressible desire for consumptionwhether it's shopping, watching movies, eating chocolate, or spending time with your loved ones. You have want to celebrate you by consuming something of value. Before you jump headlong into this dynamic, observe who you are really celebrating. This is how you will consume more calmly and in full awareness. Write down in your logbook what you consumed to celebrate yourself and what it brought you. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Ox or the Ox

Tiger, your Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020

It's here benevolence which best characterizes your relationship with others. There is mutual understanding and you can find converging points of view in your exchanges. You don't have to try to compare yourself to others. It is in a process of sharing tasks, or cooperation that you will be comfortable. Listen to the suggestions that are made to you to improve what you do. Those around you support you to move forward if you agree to listen to them objectively. Note in your logbook how you welcomed benevolence and what you take away from it. ⋙ Quickly discover the 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Tiger

Rabbit, your Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020

Talking to say nothing is a game that could annoy you, or even irritate you. You have need more depth in your discussions, and above all more empathy. It is best to remain silent in such circumstances so as not to fuel a process to which you can no longer subscribe. You are invited to speaking of you, how you feel, and projects that are important to you. Note in your logbook how you shared with those around you what is important to you and how it was perceived. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Rabbit (Cat)

Dragon, your Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020

You realize the value of what you achieve, and who you are. Take stock of your achievements and what you like about yourself, and find at least five things that you are satisfied with. You arrive at free yourself from the outside gaze to give you all the love you need. Transform your old doubts interiors to make them more acceptable. Write down in your logbook the accomplishments that you are proud of and how this helps you overcome your doubts and move forward. ⋙ Quickly discover the 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Dragon

Snake, your Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020

It's in listening to others or by letting them present their ideas, which you are the most efficient. You feed on the fruit of their ideas or their creative approaches. Be curious enough to observe all around you. Go out in front of others, and listen to them, they will appreciate it. Take time to devote it to an artistic or cultural activity. There is beauty that comes into your daily life and you learn to maintain that level of aesthetics in your life. Note in your logbook what you have done to focus your attention on the outside in order to nourish your interior. ⋙ Discover the 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Snake

Horse, your Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020

The anger and sadness of this world touches you and infuriates you at the same time. You can be weary of those people who regularly lament their fate. As if their story repeats itself ad vitam aeternam. Rather than keeping your attention on them, take steps to make you useful with those who decide to take charge in order to stop this process. Your support is greatly appreciated and as by magic you also feel the satisfaction to feel useful. Write down in your logbook what you did to be of service to those in need and how much satisfaction you got. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope for the Horse 2021

Goat, your Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020

In order to integrate the views of others, it is better that you take the time to digest them rather than react to what is proposed to you. You are able to finalize a project, or a strategy that you will deploy later. To do this, pay attention to any new point of view that may arise and do not hesitate to ask for advice with more experienced people. You are simply not judged recognized with kindness by your peers who are reaching out to you. Note in your logbook how you integrated the points of view of others to finalize your projects or refine your strategy. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Goat

Monkey, your Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020

Like a desire to create a lot more mobility in your ideas or your movements. In order to fully experience this sensation, listen to a piece of music that makes you want to dance or sing a song you like. There is a desire to move on; forget the gloom or the fears you had harbored. Do what is necessary to hydrate yourself as well as possible or be in contact with water that regenerates you. Note in your logbook what you have implemented to move on and stimulate a more exciting renewal. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Monkey

Cock, your Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020

State your limits clearly and calmly. You have a significant asset; your ability to easily analyze situations as well as your sense of pragmatism. If you feel that anger is building up in you, then breathe in, and above all don't react, you might regret it. Dare detach yourself from a situation in which you no longer want to invest. Note in your logbook how you managed to state your limits and what this has given you. ⋙ Quickly discover the 2021 Chinese horoscope of the Rooster

Dog, your Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020

You contain a lot of knowledge within you. These are not necessarily intellectual knowledge, but rather natural aptitudes for recognizing the "living" and adapt to your environment. You can build on this strength in order to support those around you. Trust your intuition as well as your ability to always find a solution to situations encountered. You, who often act discreetly, have the ability to be heard. Enjoy it! Note in your logbook how you used your knowledge to adapt naturally to your environment and what this brought you. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2021 for the Dog

Pig, your Chinese horoscope for Saturday, December 26, 2020

It's a sweet chemistry happening all around you. A kind of virtuous circle where you interact with your entourage with great ease. You listen to others, with a caring ear. If you need to come up with new ideas, or confront your points of view, then the exchanges will be more than fruitful. Be careful not to make "comet plans", and to keep your feet on the ground. Note in your logbook how you have created the conditions for an exchange or a fair share and what it has created in your relationship. ⋙ Quickly discover the Chinese horoscope 2021 of the Pig

What is my Chinese astrological sign?

Rat, Ox, Tiger … Unlike the Western horoscope, which is based on constellations, the Chinese zodiac is based on the symbolism of animals. If it is divided into 12 signs, 12 animals, the change of sign is only done every year, and not every month. Still don't know your Chinese zodiac sign? To find out quickly, you can use the red calculator located at the end of this article!

Are you interested in Chinese astrology? See you on Sunday for your Chinese horoscope for tomorrow! Until then, find out The Kairoscope imagined by Stéphanie Gelbart. A logbook, halfway between the agenda and the diary, to position yourself on a daily basis according to the energies of the Chinese zodiac. Each day, the coach invites you to experience three "common threads" in resonance with the weather forecast. Magical ! And if you want to know more about your Chinese astrological sign and your character, you can also make an appointment on Current Woman Astro Consult ' for a private consultation with a specialist.

Read also :

⋙ Chinese horoscope for December 2020: what is the influence of the Earth Rat?

⋙ Horoscope month by month 2021: Marc Angel's predictions for all astrological signs

⋙ Chinese horoscope: what the Earth, Wood, Metal, Fire or Water element of your sign reveals