Chinese horoscope for Thursday, December 16, 2021

Daily Chinese horoscope: discover Aufeminin’s Chinese horoscope for Thursday, December 16, 2021

Horoscope Rat

Despite your best efforts, your last relationship didn’t work out. Don’t blame yourself and keep moving forward! On the work side, trades that require thoroughness and calm will be eminently favored. In terms of health, be sure to adopt a healthy lifestyle, thanks to a diet that is both light and energetic, mainly based on proteins and vitamins, and to the regular practice of a sport such as swimming or swimming. market. In terms of finances, it is true that the situation is difficult and that the concerns are legitimate.

Chinese proverb of the day: he who is too close to the base of the wall cannot go up on the platform.

Ox horoscope

On the heart, apparently, you prefer to rest on your laurels, and on your achievements, rather than going to meet happiness! On the work side, your willpower will pay off. On the health side, the stars will support you and help you maintain good vitality. But you will have to be careful of small excesses. And then, on the bank account side, pay attention to your finances which could be in a real roller-coaster ride this week. This will be due to financial losses caused by unforeseen events, breakdown in the house, or on your car for example.

Chinese proverb of the day: beautiful men have a short life; beautiful women are not happy

Tiger Horoscope

In love, you will have to give yourself a reason: the planets are no longer by your side for the moment to optimize your loves and bring you luck. Everything about your job will suddenly seem easy. What about your health? You are fine, but physical activity would be welcome in your routine. Working out your cardio is essential! Your finances are at their worst right now. It will take some effort to regain a little flexibility and reassure your banker.

Chinese proverb of the day: the portrait of a good father is a book for his son.

Cat Horoscope

On a sentimental level, many will be seduced by anything that eludes them. At work, it’s a great day where you can do anything with a chance of success. From a health point of view, beware of the exciting: you really feel better if you slow down on the coffee! On the financial side, before spending more than you can afford, be careful not to put yourself in a difficult situation.

Chinese proverb of the day: be rich and your words are held to be true; be poor, they are not taken to be true.

Dragon Horoscope

On the heart, your partner has been feeling neglected lately, do activities together if you do not want discord to set in. On the work side, all is well! We entrust you with the responsibility files, and that motivates you. To check on the health side: nervousness that could disturb your sleep and affect your vigilance. And if not, on the financial side? Money transactions or investments should be avoided today if possible. This is because the planetary aspects advise caution in your sign.

Chinese proverb of the day: what strikes the eye is true; it is not the same with what strikes the ears

Snake Horoscope

On the love level, you have a hard time moving on. Remember, the past is in the past and now is the time to move on! On the office side, be on the lookout for interesting professional opportunities. For your health, even if you are very busy, do not neglect the maintenance of your physical condition. Swimming or a few stretches when you wake up will be perfect to relax and build up your muscles gently. From a financial standpoint, set yourself a pretty tight purchasing budget.

Chinese proverb of the day: better a thousand refusals than a broken promise.

Horse Horoscope

In love, rather than being directive and bossy, give advice instead. Good advice, of course! At work, the desire to learn is back and your curiosity is everywhere. From a health standpoint, even if you are not that enthusiastic about yoga, consider taking a deep and regular breath. Your body will thank you! On the financial side, be careful not to be overly optimistic by taking excessive financial risks.

Chinese proverb of the day: advising is easy, helping is difficult.

Horoscope Goat

In terms of love, you have known better: recent hopes have finally been dashed, and you no longer have the heart to meet people … Persevere! If you want to change direction or gain momentum in your career, you will be able to do so. As for your health, everything is fine, although you could be even healthier if you made the effort to go to bed a little earlier. On the money side, you have been splurging the last few days but your remuneration does not cover them. Be careful, your banker may contact you.

Chinese proverb of the day: if the heart desires, saliva comes to the mouth; if the heart is sad, tears come to the eyes

Monkey Horoscope

In your relationship, you have to foresee obstacles, and even a twist bordering on the breakup. You will not be afraid of risk To save your health, give yourself some rest at home and forget about the outside world. Take the opportunity to let go. Unplug the phone and the doorbell and do whatever you want. From a financial standpoint, don’t spend unreasonable expenses.

Chinese proverb of the day: you have to start by correcting yourself before you want to correct others.

Rooster Horoscope

As for love, partners who get along badly will actually go through a crisis from which they will have difficulty recovering. On the work side, despite a certain daily weariness, a great offer, a source of financial gain, could be presented to you. A well-deserved reward, to be caught on the fly … As far as health is concerned, try to be more regular in your activities and more constant in your moods. On the financial side, avoid continually building castles in Spain and follow as a golden rule that you should only gamble or speculate to the extent of your abilities.

Chinese proverb of the day: if the goldsmith is honest, his family will starve; if the tailor is honest, his wife has no underpants.

Dog Horoscope

On the heart side, exercise better control over your behavior. On the work side, your curiosity can lead you to an interesting trail. Health side? You will have to impose a minimum of discipline on yourself to preserve your health. In terms of finances, do not lend or borrow, because you would hardly see the color of your money or would have difficulty repaying on time.

Chinese proverb of the day: if the serpent did not eat snakes, it would not become a dragon.

Pig Horoscope

Concerning love, misunderstandings and manipulations will block you in your game of seduction. At work, consolidate your career plans with the friendship of people who know your qualities well and appreciate them. For your health, how about taking the plunge into a regular sporting activity? On the financial side, the stars will take a very dim view of any haste or effort to achieve your goal in troubled ways.

Chinese proverb of the day: A rich fool is a rich, a poor fool is a fool.

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