Chinese horoscope for Thursday, December 2, 2021

Daily Chinese horoscope: discover Aufeminin’s Chinese horoscope for Thursday, December 2, 2021

Horoscope Rat

Your romantic life has been hectic lately. So be careful not to rush, but trust your instincts. Professionally, the day will not be easy. You will have to give all your care to your professional activities, even if the profitability does not seem to you in relation to the effort to be provided. Good news for your line: the planets are in your favor, today! To eliminate one or two extra pounds, now is the time to get started! Money level, make a return on yourself: what unnecessary expenses by distraction or ease!

Chinese proverb of the day: a cottage where one laughs is better than a palace where one cries.

Ox horoscope

On a heart level, you can permanently break your past ties or simply carefully clean the dust that has clogged a relationship forged for a long time. In the office, don’t steer clear of unexpected changes in your job; on the contrary, it will be a good opportunity for you to improve your situation. The planets are good for your health today. The planetary climate will allow you to get back in shape if you come out of an illness. On the budget side, you are in the red or will quickly be! Pay attention to your wallet or risk having a very difficult end of the month.

Chinese proverb of the day: Knowing one’s ignorance is the best part of knowing

Tiger Horoscope

These days you will refuse pretenses and fuzzy situations in love. At work, don’t count on great results. You will be embarrassed by the ambiguities of some of your colleagues. On the health side, everything is fine. You have morale and as popular wisdom says: “good morale is a guarantee of good health”! On the money side, beware of excessive spending which you will have a hard time resisting!

Chinese proverb of the day: the wise go into great things, and the foolish little ones.

Cat Horoscope

On the heart side, it is possible that you will be seduced by a being very different from you; be careful not to jump into the mouth of the wolf. At work, your goal will lead you, this time, to take rash risks. On the health side, use your seemingly limitless energy lately to complete all pending projects and tasks – don’t waste it indulging in unnecessary activities. On the financial level, beware of the impact of the planets, which may give you temptations to buy rather unnecessary impulse. Beware: it would be too unfortunate to stupidly slash your few savings instead of putting them aside for a more interesting project.

Chinese proverb of the day: you have to start by correcting yourself before you want to correct others.

Dragon Horoscope

In love, you indulge in recklessness, but it should be consumed in moderation! The risk is that the childish side takes over, and that you completely neglect your sense of responsibility. At work, those of you who were counting on a promotion or hoping to see your efforts recognized will still have to wait. Today, no health concerns. The astral aspects will promote the healing of a possible problem. And if not, on the financial side? Money transactions or investments should be avoided today if possible. This is because the planetary aspects advise caution in your sign.

Chinese proverb of the day: we study letters under a single teacher; we use our knowledge in front of thousands of men

Snake Horoscope

In love, be more realistic, and do not let yourself be carried away by your desires. About your professional life, a bad atmosphere reigns and influences your efficiency. Connect with positive people to achieve your goals! You will not have anything serious to fear in terms of health today. However, you should get into your head that the slightest deviation in diet or pace of life will immediately result in fatigue. On the health side, you will have to adopt severe economic and disciplinary measures in order to maintain the gains or consolidate your current situation.

Chinese proverb of the day: it’s sleep all your life to believe in your dreams.

Horse Horoscope

From a love standpoint, you’ll weigh the pros and cons of an eventual relationship and you’ll likely make a decision at the end of the day. Luck in the professional sphere will be largely the opposite. In terms of health, you will combine good form, dynamism and optimism: everything will be fine. On the financial side, you are in a very spending mood. Still think about your accounts and shop accordingly so you don’t get frustrated when you come to your senses.

Chinese proverb of the day: to those who know how to be patient, things always arrive on time.

Horoscope Goat

In love, you risk being a little dissipated! You will still manage to reframe all this hustle and bustle. In the field of work, the stars will have an ambiguous and contradictory impact: you will be a little lost today, try to stay focused! When it comes to health, you’re at the top: first lift, last bed, you will be bursting with energy. On the financial level, avoid continually building castles in Spain and follow as a golden rule that you should only gamble or speculate within your means.

Chinese proverb of the day: giving an order is not comparable to the act that one does oneself; examining others is not worth examining yourself

Monkey Horoscope

On the love side, some disturbances are to be expected but the foundations of your relationship remain solid. The work will seem heavy to you today. Don’t exhaust yourself just yet: select and simplify your schedule to be more efficient. On a health level, to keep calm, practice yoga or meditation on a daily basis. On the financial side, due to economic conditions, you will find it difficult to obtain a favorable return on investment in your financial businesses. Above all, don’t panic. Wait!

Chinese proverb of the day: the only stupid question is the one we did not dare to ask.

Rooster Horoscope

On the heart, do not try to broach thorny issues with your partner. Regarding your professional career, be careful not to wear out your dynamism today: avoid unfounded tensions, and be cooler with your employees. Health level, you are at the top! You eat well, you exercise, and it shows! What about the money side? Replacing the substandard electrical panel has put a strain on your finances. You should consider applying for credit from your banking institution to refrain from writing bad checks.

Chinese proverb of the day: you have to beat the iron when it is still hot.

Dog Horoscope

On the love side, you will strive to strengthen your bonds of complicity with the other by discussing without restraint the most sensitive subjects. Professionally, the words of a colleague have confused you and make you think that you are not up to the task. As far as health is concerned, your liveliness and your energy will be such that you will feel capable of lifting mountains. When it comes to your money, you risk making the wrong decision or spending far beyond your means.

Chinese proverb of the day: a day of leisure is a day of immortality.

Pig Horoscope

On the side of your heart, you feel that your efforts are not paying off, but this is only the result of a lack of dialogue. In the office, there will be a stormy climate! Beware of jealousy and power struggles. As for your health, the credo to adopt: have a good time by eating properly! On the financial side, be careful not to be overly optimistic by taking excessive financial risks.

Chinese proverb of the day: when the child leaves the house, he takes his mother’s hand.

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