Chinese organ clock: finally sleep through the night! |

Chinese organ clock
Wake up at the same time every night? This warning signal is behind it

Some have problems falling asleep, others always wake up punctually at the same time at night. In the video you can see what time an alarm signal from your body could be – and what the Chinese organ clock has to do with it.

What is the Chinese organ clock?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has paid attention to the various human cycles for thousands of years. According to this knowledge, our life energy (Qi) flows on twelve paths, the so-called meridians, through our body. The main meridians are each assigned to an organ. Every two hours a meridian and thus a certain organ is particularly well supplied with blood and thus supplied with a maximum of life energy – this is the principle of the Chinese organ clock. Twelve hours later, the treated organ has its lowest point accordingly. Those who know the pathways and live in harmony with the natural flow can optimally support the organs – and thus contribute to their own wellbeing. In the video above you can see exactly what time could be a potential warning signal for an organ.

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Chinese organ clock: the times and their meaning

9 p.m. to 11 p.m.: The triple heater

The so-called "triple heater" is not directly assigned to any organ. The term is understood to mean an energy cycle that ensures that life energy can flow unhindered. During this period, blood pressure and pulse drop, and the digestive organs go into the recovery phase. A good time to let your thoughts and feelings flow – for example while meditating.

11 p.m. to 1 a.m .: Time to Sleep

During this time the body begins to relax, the vital functions such as blood pressure, heart rate and temperature are lowered and the metabolism slows down. In addition, the cortisol secretion is reduced. Food and alcohol are particularly stressful for the body during this period. According to the Chinese organ clock, green vegetables and little fat should be used during the day to strengthen the main organ – the gall bladder.

1 a.m. to 3 a.m.: The body detoxifies

Between one and three o'clock at night, our performance is at its lowest point. According to the Chinese organ clock, most organs are in sleep mode, only the liver is working at high pressure. Those who have eaten too heavily or drank too much alcohol often wake up at this time. Alcohol and nicotine are generally poisons at this stage of the cycle. Nettle tea and regular exercise strengthen Liver Qi and give you strength.

3 a.m. to 5 a.m.: Take a deep breath!

During this period the lungs carry out their cleaning process. We can help the organ by sleeping with the window open or ventilating the room before going to bed. Anyone who wakes up in this time window of the Chinese organ clock will probably have problems (Asthma, allergies, sleep disorders) with the lung meridian. For everyone who can no longer fall asleep: A morning walk is particularly beneficial for our body, where we recharge our batteries for the day.

5 a.m. to 7 a.m.: Just let go

Between five and seven o'clock the body releases the hormone cortisol, which slowly wakes us up. In these last dream phases we process the experiences of the previous day. The colon works at full speed and cleanses. Specifically, according to the Chinese organ clock, now is the best time to go to the toilet. We can support the detoxification work by drinking a glass of lukewarm water.

7 a.m. to 9 p.m.: Use the organ clock properly

Of course, the Chinese organ clock tells us not only why we wake up at night, but also how we can use them for our purposes. During the day, it makes sense to live in harmony with your Qi:

  • Between seven and nine o'clock the focus is on the stomach: digestion is now working hard. Chinese doctors recommend a light and above all warm morning meal, for example some semolina with fruit.
  • Between nine and eleven o'clock when the spleen is on, the thinking activity reaches its peak during this time. Now we can work particularly concentrated.
  • The heart works between eleven and 1 p.m. Most of all: A light lunch in good company ensures that we can recharge our batteries for the rest of the day.
  • Between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. According to the Chinese organ clock, we should listen to the stomach, because now the small intestine is working. If you can, treat yourself to a short nap. In addition, we can now process the first impressions of the day and separate the important from the unimportant.
  • Is the midday low between 3pm and 5pm survived, the urinary bladder detoxifies us. A good time to exercise and enough clean water to aid detoxification.
  • The pace should from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. be throttled, because now the focus is on the kidneys. The body comes to rest. A light dinner and herbal tea help us shut down the organism.
  • Between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. we should consciously enjoy, the body switches to sleep mode. Spending time with family and friends ensures that body and mind are in harmony. This time is assigned to the so-called pericardium. The pericardium is a connective tissue-like covering that surrounds the heart.

Chinese organ clock: What does my wake-up time mean for me?

If you want to know what the specific meaning of the time you wake up at is for your body, check out the video above. There is a detailed breakdown of which organ reports at what time if there are any problems there.

Reading tips: You can find out here whether you should sleep with the window open. In addition, we explain what you should know about sleep disorders and how morning grouches can get out of bed more easily.

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Schnorrenberger, C .: Textbook of Chinese Medicine, MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart, 2005

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