CHOWH1 humiliates a Warzone cheater live

When he had just reappeared in his game on Call of Duty: Warzone Pacific, CHOWH1 crossed paths with a cheater sanctioned by RICOCHET.

For several months now, the Warzone developers have been doing their best to counter the waves of cheaters that are descending on the game and ruining the experience of millions of players every day. With the arrival of the anti-cheat RICOCHET, new and interesting measures have been taken to deal with cheaters and the streamer CHOWH1 realized this impact by coming across a completely harmless cheater in his game.

Often when you come across a cheater, you don’t even have time to see or react so quickly he will eliminate you. But thanks to a neat RICOCHET feature that nerfs mid-game cheater damage, CHOWH1 was able to literally humiliate this cheater.

Instagram @chowh1

CHOWH1 is one of the most followed streamers on Warzone in France.

Seconds after landing on Caldera, CHOWH1 was followed by a player who was shooting at him from afar. But quickly, he realized that his armor plates barely dropped, and so he realized that he had just been targeted by a cheater.

Quickly, he simply turned to face this player, even with only his small pistol, to humiliate him with a few blows of the butt that ended the game of this cheater who clearly had no chance of winning. eliminate anyone in the game.

It’s always hugely satisfying to humiliate cheaters this way and see how helpless many of them have become. This will greatly discourage other players from cheating and this is good news for Call of Duty: Warzone Pacific which is getting back on track.

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