Chris Evans: He almost never would have become Captain America

The Marvel hero Captain America is known for manifold virtues: righteousness, courage, sincerity and above all the will never to give up. But apparently not much was missing and not Chris Evans (38), but another actor would have slipped into the superhero costume, as the mime has now revealed in an interview with "The Hollywood Reporter". The reason: in contrast to the oversized Captain America, Evans is a completely normal person with worldly problems and doubts.

He had suffered increasingly from panic attacks during filming, for the first time in 2010 on the set of the film "Puncture". "I started to doubt whether acting was still right for me. I wasn't sure if I felt as healthy as I should be." The Problem: Just as he struggled with these thoughts, Marvel came around the corner and acted as Captain America and a related deal across nine films.

Persistence paid off

It was too much of a burden, as Evans found at the time and, according to their own statements, refused offers several times, and did not even go for non-binding test shots. But Marvel did not give up and finally offered him the role directly – which impressed and convinced Evans. The rest is history: In 2011 he put on Captain America's suit for the first time and only took it off at the grand finale of the "Avengers" series in April 2019.

Evans knows only too well who he has to thank for "the best decision I've ever made": "I owe Kevin Feige (boss of Marvel, editor's note) who persisted and me helped avoid a gigantic mistake. "