Chris Hemsworth in Thor: how did the actor join the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

A look back at Chris Hemsworth’s first audition for the role of Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A cast that was marked by a rivalry between the actor and his little brother Liam.

It’s September 2008, shortly after Iron Man hit theaters, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe is taking its first steps on the international stage. While billionaire Tony Stark and his armor have just been introduced to the public, the next heroes who are about to enter the dance are the super-soldier Captain America… and the god of thunder Thor.

While Matthew Vaughn (X-Men: The Beginning) and Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy) were both considered to direct the adventures of the latter, it was ultimately Kenneth Branagh who was chosen to direct the film. Indeed, this filmmaker with Shakespearian fiber seems the ideal candidate to bring to the screen the family tensions of the kingdom of Asgard, and in particular the fratricidal struggle between Thor and Loki.

Strangely, this rivalry between two brothers – a theme intrinsic to the adventures of Thor – goes so far as to find an echo in the casting of the feature film.

Among the many candidates who hope to endorse the red cape and the precious hammer, are two members of the same siblings: Chris Hemsworth who, as we know, finally inherited the role, and his younger brother Liam, who very nearly was chosen instead.

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“I passed the casting with Kenneth Branagh, I thought I had hit the bull’s eye, and then I had no more news”told Chris Hemsworth at the microphone of W Magazineyears later.“But my little brother who was in Australia sent them a video. He got one call, then another, and then he ended up in the 4 or 5 finalists for the role.”

When he hears the news, Chris is in Vancouver, filming The Cabin in the Woods with Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon (future director of Avengers: Age of Ultron). Encouraged by the two filmmakers, who push Hemsworth to try his luck again, the actor’s agent manages to reach producer Kevin Feige and get a new appointment.

“So I auditioned in Vancouver, in my hotel room, with my mom reading the role of Anthony Hopkins (Odin)”says the actor. “And she must have hit the nail on the head, because it got me back into the game. The second casting was very different from the first. I arrived motivated, and maybe a little upset that my little brother was went further than me (laughs). It’s sibling rivalry. So it gave me a boost, and then from there it went pretty fast.”

A few months later, in April 2011, Chris Hemsworth can therefore land at the cinema in the costume of Thor, facing a Loki played by Tom Hiddleston, who had also passed trials to embody the god of thunder. As everyone knows, it is therefore the beginning of a rich career within the MCU for the actor, who is today at his 9th hammer throw (counting the post-generic scenes) in the universe. Marvel.

(Re) discover the trailer for “Thor: Love and Thunder”, in theaters since July 13…

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