Chris O’Neill: Prince Daniel’s parents won’t come to his party

Chris O’Neill
Prince Daniel’s parents won’t attend his birthday party

© Dana Press

In contrast to his wife Madeleine, Chris O’Neill has not yet set off for Sweden in mid-June; the businessman only wanted to come for his 50th birthday – and that is on June 27, 2024. The celebration will be held with a private party, although not every family member will be able to attend.

On 13 June 2024 Princess Madeleine, 42, landed in Stockholm – with her three children and family dog ​​Oreo in her luggage. Her husband Chris O’Neill, 49, and the second animal roommate – Labardoodle Teddy – were missing when she arrived in her old homeland. That is now set to change: According to the court, the British-American businessman will also be in Sweden in time for his 50th birthday on Thursday, June 27th.

Chris O’Neill celebrates his 50th birthday in private

For his special day, Chris O’Neill has prepared an intimate celebration to which family and close friends have been invited. “He is celebrating privately with his family,” Margareta Thorgren, head of information at the Royal Court, confirmed to the Swedish newspaper “Svensk Damtidning”. The publication also revealed that the parents of Prince Daniel, 50, are not among O’Neill’s invited family members and friends. Ewa and Olle Westling reportedly did not receive an invitation to the birthday party.

Prince Daniel’s parents avoid the limelight

An affront to Prince Daniel? Not at all. Olle and Ewa Westling usually only attend official events that are directly related to their branch of the family, such as the christening of their grandchildren Princess Estelle, 12, and Prince Oscar, 8. They were also present when King Carl Gustaf, 78, celebrated his 70th birthday and Princess Victoria, 46, celebrated her 40th birthday.

Both Ewa and Olle have always avoided the glamour and attention associated with Daniel’s life at court. They have consistently declined television appearances and interviews. “They are very conscious of their privacy. Daniel’s father is sociable and outgoing, while mother Westling is more reserved and I don’t think she will ever say a single word about Daniel and Victoria,” royal expert Roger Lundgren once told “Arbetarbladet”. The Westlings enjoy their quiet life in Ockelbo – and are down-to-earth grandparents to their two royal grandchildren.

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