Christian Ulmen: That's why he lets the year end calmly

Christian Ulmen
Therefore, he lets the year end calmly

Fahri Yardim (left) and Christian Ulmen do it

Fahri Yardim (left) and Christian Ulmen give the "jerks." Fans a special Christmas present.

© Joyn / André Kowalski

Christian Ulmen returns on December 23rd with "jerks." back. How does the comedy series fit in with Christmas and how does he spend the festival himself?

Christian Ulmen (45) and Fahri Yardim (40) are giving their fans a special gift: Just in time for Christmas, there will be a brand new double episode "jerks" on December 23rd on Joyn Plus +. to see. The complete fourth season of the comedy series will be broadcast in summer 2021 after the premiere on Joyn on free TV on ProSieben. In an interview with the news agency spot on news, Christian Ulmen reveals which event in the special episode is shaking a lot and details about the upcoming season, which he announces as "the best of all". He also reveals which food he cannot do without for Christmas and how he can end 2020.

"jerks." and Christmas – how does that fit together?

Christian Ulmen: We're giving people the prologue for the coming season "jerks." For Christmas. We have sewn the two opening episodes of the fourth season together into a double episode and hand them peacefully to the festival. It will be about dam rupture, fraud and photography. A chubby, baked apple and almond-smelling delight for young and old. But everything plays in late summer. And without corona.

Pheline has her baby in the double episode. How is that changing the "jerks." Universe?

Ulmen: "jerks." – Connoisseurs know that Fahri never wanted to be a father, that he doesn't particularly like children. That Pheline always dreamed of having a baby with Fahri. And that Emily and Christian remain childless due to Emily's blatant sterility and the screwed up attempt at adoption against their will. And now a baby is coming. Of course, that upsets a lot …

Christian calms Fahri down before the birth. Were you so relaxed when your children were born?

Ulmen: Of course not. You're always relaxed as a dear friend who goes home before the pain starts.

The double episode is the prelude to the fourth season. What can viewers expect in the new episodes, are there prominent guests again?

Ulmen: In the new season we're going to the psychological limits of the two couples. It cannot be ruled out that at least one of the relationships will break up. But maybe they'll get the hang of it again. You always don't know. There are more lies than ever in the new season. And there is a lot of vomiting, I noticed the other day. That is also a psychosomatic matter. In fact, we are confronted very closely with the subject of death. There are also star appearances, of course. Of course, I'm not allowed to reveal anything yet, but it will be a big hello again. Even Sophie Passmann will be there.

How was the shooting under Corona conditions?

Elms: We had ourselves tested, measured a fever, wore masks and kept our distance. That worked out fine. And so luckily everything was otherwise as usual. A fantastic shoot that made us laugh more than ever. I think it turned out to be the best season of all.

Your wife said in one of our interviews that you decorate the whole house with Christmas kitsch – meant ironically, of course. Is it still like that?

Ulmen: No, our offspring have now taken over. It shines more than ever with us.

Are there any other traditions that you maintain year after year?

Ulmen: I don't think so. My daughter and I have daily rituals that we love to celebrate. But traditions? I would have to think of it now. But I can't think of anything. What I like about my life is that there is always something else going on. And no two days are the same.

What should be on your menu at Christmas?

Elms: hot dishes. This is very important to me. Sushi or a Caesars salad, that wouldn't be anything for me at Christmas. Or a foie gras pate, a roll with quark, antipasti. Everything is out of the question. It must be warm. A good warm meal for Christmas, that would be nice.

How do you end the year?

Ulmen: I don't do much there! I learned from my dear friend Fahri Yardim that you shouldn't "press" in the toilet. That is not good for the blood pressure, the blood vessels, the brain. The bowel movement is something that the intestines do fully automatically and almost without any action. Just sit down and relax, your rectum does the rest. He is right! And that's exactly how it is with the end of the year. Do not push! Don't bang, don't scream, don't dawdle with champagne and countdown, just sit down and the new and old years do their own changes, really.
