Christiane Taubira in the countryside, despite everything

Psometimes she gets angry. When, in a street in Clichy-sous-Bois, Christiane Taubira discusses with Nadia, one of her supporters, she does not like the team’s microphone Day-to-day spies on the conversation and touches the top of his head. So she scolds the sound engineer, not very badly, but you can tell she doesn’t like it, even if she smiles a little. And then when the same team asks her, for the third time in a quarter of an hour, if this is her last trip as a candidate, she raises her voice a little. “I don’t answer stupid questions. And then she smiled, again.

That will be about all. Christiane Taubira continues to travel while remaining quite mute. Sponsorships only arrive in dribs and drabs (28 on February 8, 11 more two days later…

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