Christiane Taubira loose, smooth hair… her rare hair changes

Time doesn’t seem to have much of a hold on Christiane Taubira. His career has been very rich in French political life since his activism in French Guiana in the early 1990s to his new candidacy for the presidency of the Republic in this year 2022. But one thing has remained unchanged since the spotlight has been on the former Keeper of the Seals: his hairstyle. However, the politician who has just celebrated her 70th birthday has sometimes allowed herself hair changes.

Christiane Taubira has often opted for an impeccable hairstyle, composed of braids then attached by a bun, thus highlighting her piercing gaze. This sober look is her signature as a political and public figure, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t want to change her style from time to time. Thus, on the set of the show Can’t wait for Sunday in November 2008, the mother of four children left her hair loose, alongside Ségolène Royal. Two years later during topical questions in the National Assembly, she had also opted for curly and unattached hair. To applaud Guy Bedos at the Olympia in 2013, the former Minister of Justice posed next to Anne Sinclair with her hair straightened.

Hair variations nevertheless rare for Christiane Taubira, generally preferring her usual hairstyle. The approach of the presidential elections will certainly not often allow her to concentrate on anything other than her electoral campaign, she who has just won the popular primary but is struggling to bring together the various figures of the left.

On February 3, 2022, the figure of marriage for all went to the island of Oléron to address the climate and environmental issue. This trip comes shortly after his performance on poor housing, badly received by his opponents on the left. “I know how to survive this“said the Guyanese candidate, refusing to respond to the controversy over her highly criticized speech before the Abbé Pierre Foundation, where she presented her proposals on housing, deemed vague and without costing. “I’m used to very violent attacks, I have no illusions in this campaign, it’s not a subject in itself, in any case, it has no effect on my determination nor on my way of thinking, of functioning, of campaigning“, she explained to the press at the port of La Cotinière, in Saint-Pierre d’Oléron, with the seagulls in the background. At the beginning of the week, these are some visuals of the campaign “Young people with Taubira” who have been singled out for spelling mistakes.

The candidate, who had already presented herself in 2002 gathering 2.3% of the votes in the first round, is this year credited with around 5 to 6% of the voting intentions.

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