Christine Theiss: She considers “Cheat Days” to be “more than counterproductive”

Christine Theiss
She considers “Cheat Days” to be “more than counterproductive”

Christine Theiss is also there again. “The Biggest Loser – Family Power Couples” – from August 30, 2021 every Monday at 8:15 pm on SAT.1.

© © SAT.1 / Ben Pakalsk

“The Biggest Loser – Family Power Couples” starts on August 30th. Christine Theiss reveals in an interview why Cheat Days “is not a good thing.

The weight-loss show “The Biggest Loser”, the spin-off “Family Power Couples”, will start on August 30th (every Monday at 8:15 pm on SAT.1.). This time eight family couples try to stimulate each other and lose many pounds. Ex-kickboxing world champion Christine Theiss (44) is also there again as a presenter.

It has been an integral part of the show since 2012 and has helped some to become popular. She’s not a fan of “Cheat Days,” as she says. “If you want to lose weight, such an ‘I-pound-everything-in-me-day’ is more than counterproductive,” emphasizes Theiss. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are part of the life of the mother of a five-year-old. What, in her opinion, should be done best to deal with food cravings and how she reacts when her daughter feels the need for sweets herself, she reveals in the interview.

What made you want to motivate others to lead healthier lives?

Christine Theiss: It was rather the other way around. Since my professional sports days, people have felt motivated by me to do more sports and to take care of their own health. I don’t know why that is more with me than with others. In 2011 I was asked by SAT.1 whether I would like to take over “The Biggest Loser” and so one thing led to another.

What criteria do you use to select candidates for the show?

Theiss: Who do we trust that he / she will completely change his / her life? Who seems to be in a hopeless situation without us? Emotional criticisms also play a role. Some people are immediately sympathetic or touched by something. And health aspects play an important role. Many potential candidates drop out because their health is too badly affected by being overweight to withstand the challenges. Weight loss is of course immensely important, but then we are not the right way to do it.

Are you still in contact with ex-participants of “The Biggest Loser”?

Theiss: Yes, of course.

In the upcoming show, family couples will try to lose weight. What is the biggest challenge / benefit for families when it comes to exercise and nutrition?

Theiss: Unfortunately, the advantage can also be the disadvantage. In this constellation, our candidates can push and motivate themselves extremely, but they can just as easily pull themselves down. The couples have the opportunity not only to tackle their obesity with us, but also problems that prevail within this relationship and that may have contributed to someone becoming obese. At the same time, the solidarity can also ensure that candidates don’t really let go and that they only approach the “losing weight” project very half-heartedly.

Is it generally more effective to lose weight together than to do it alone?

Theiss: That depends entirely on your own personality. Some people absolutely need someone by their side who drives them and takes them on. Others prefer to be the lone wolf and prefer to do their thing alone without depending on other people’s whims.

In your opinion, what is the best way to deal with or avoid food cravings?

Theiss: The things that you stuff into yourself when you have cravings should not be bought at first. You also have to find out if you are really hungry. Then a change in diet brings something, for example switching to long-chain carbohydrates such as whole grain bread. Or do you eat because you want to compensate for something else such as frustration, boredom or being overwhelmed. Then you have to work on several things. The original problem has to be tackled and, at the same time, evasive action is needed to avoid the binge eating. Instead, for example, you could walk around the block until these cravings subside.

How do you feel about “Cheat Days”?

Theiss: If you want to lose weight, such an “I-cut-everything-in-me-day” is more than counterproductive. And if you don’t lose weight, you should just eat what you feel like eating, when it is right. It is not the day that is decisive, but the amount.

As a presenter, you stand in front of the camera a lot. You used to fight in the ring as a kickboxer. Is the pressure to have a good figure still the same as it was back then?

Theiss: I’ve been shooting every three months for a sportswear collection for more than seven years, so I can’t really allow myself to go too far. But personally I think that’s great. So I automatically stay within a weight range without having to pay too much attention to my diet or bothering myself with things. What you gain in weight quickly is right back down. You just have to react in time and then everything is relaxed. I don’t feel any pressure there.

You are the mother of a young daughter yourself. How do you react when she demands sweets more often?

Theiss: She can nibble on sweets, I don’t see a fundamental problem as long as the whole thing is in moderation and not out of boredom, as a consolation or as a reward. Sweets are also not allowed to replace a normal meal. It is much more important that a child generally develops a feeling for food and enjoys trying things out, cooking and that the child’s own feeling of satiety is respected by the parents.

How do you manage to ensure exercise and a healthy diet despite a stressful family life and being a parent?

Theiss: By consciously creating the freedom in which you can do sport in peace. In addition, you should at all times incorporate exercise into everyday life as a matter of course, not use an elevator or take a bike – things like that. And when it comes to nutrition – the motto is very clear: cook yourself and discipline.

In your opinion, what is the best way to motivate children to eat healthier and exercise?

Theiss: By demonstrating it to them. Swinging to talk doesn’t do anything in my eyes.

What projects are you still planning for this year?

Theiss: The last months of the year are always reserved for “The Biggest Loser”.
