Christmas at home – “happy ending” after a severe fracture of the femoral neck

At the beginning of December, 99-year-old Hedwig Kniesel fell and broke her femur. Thanks to a perfect rescue chain and the fit condition of the sprightly senior citizen, the woman can celebrate Christmas at home with her family today.

“The greatest gift is that we can celebrate Christmas together at home in full freshness,” says the entire family with Hedwig Kniesel. The sprightly 99-year-old slipped in her apartment in Bad Hall on December 2nd and fractured her femur. For people of this age, this often begins a long journey of suffering, but Hedwig Kniesel didn’t let it get her down. Corona during rehabilitation stay “The rescue chain worked exemplary and four hours after the incident she was already under the knife in the Steyr hospital. The treating doctor was constantly in touch with my brother-in-law on the phone – just great!” says daughter-in-law Renate Kniesel. The senior also handled the operation well, recovered quickly from the strain and began rehab at Sierning Hospital. Last week the next piece of bad news came: Corona. But the mentally fit 99-year-old didn’t let that discourage her either.100. Her birthday is just around the corner: “Since the physiotherapists, doctors and nurses were not deterred by Corona, she received therapy in her room,” says the daughter-in-law, thanking the entire staff for their commitment. And this paid off: Kniesel was able to leave the hospital again on Friday: nothing stands in the way of a Christmas celebration with his loved ones. And the next big celebration is already planned. On January 3rd, Hedwig Kniesel will be 100 years old. Four days later, the entire family – 51 people are expected – will toast the anniversary in style.
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