Christmas gift idea: the Harry Potter book deciphered by its fans dedicated to all those who made it successful!

Notice to Harry Potter fans: here is a book that is directly addressed to you and in which you are the adored protagonist!

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Since the release of its first novel on June 26, 1997, the Harry Potter saga has exceeded the limits of popularity. With their rave reviews and meteoric commercial success around the world, the books are now considered mainstays of modern young adult literature.

The best-selling series of books in history – more than 500 million copies please -, translated into more than 80 languages, has indeed become a real social phenomenon, which gave birth to one of the most lucrative and adored film franchises before conquering the theater boards.

But behind all these numbers and accomplishments lies a community of overflowing creative fans and it is to them that this book is dedicated.

Thus, for the 25th anniversary of the first volume, Harry Potter deciphered by his fanspublished on June 21, invites you to dive into a fascinating exploration of the saga through its legendary fandom.

Written by early fans and editors of the site The Daily Prophet, the book, full of little known anecdotes, talks about the phenomenon experienced from the point of view of fans. Going beyond JK Rowling’s books, they make you rediscover the work that has fascinated generations by delving into their own archives.

From fanfiction to theories, through creations such as ‘Muggle’ Quidditch, Wizard rock or technologies imitating magic, but also the extension of the world with amusement parks and social issues, the book deciphers all the great ideas and movements that have marked the 25 years of the fandom and reveals how the “Potterheads” have appropriated the saga, grown with it and have been the major instrument of its extraordinary success.

Harry Potter deciphered by his fans: 25 years of Harry Potter by two editors of the Daily Prophet, by Alix Houllier and Corentin Faniel

  • Paperback: ‎320 pages
  • Language ‏: ‎English
  • Editor‏ : DE BOECK SUP (21 Jun 2022)
  • Dimensions: 15 x 3.2 x 22 cm (large format book)

As its back cover so aptly puts it, “no story can live if no one is there to listen. This is the story of those who shaped Pottermania”. To discover it, it’s up to you to read this book dedicated to fans of the saga.

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