Christmas presents for children: is too many presents damaging to their development?

Christmas gifts for children
Why less is often more for development

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Giving as a gift often makes you happier than receiving a gift.

Christmas is just around the corner and the temptation to shower the children with presents is great. But what does the research say about it? In the video we highlight three reasons why fewer gifts are better for child development.

Accompanied by bright children’s eyes and the anticipation of lovingly wrapped presents, Christmas is fast approaching. The joy of giving gifts is truly priceless and children love receiving gifts – that is undisputed. But the question many parents should ask themselves is: Can it be too much of a good thing? Psychologically, the mountains of presents under the Christmas tree could be detrimental to the little ones’ development.

Christmas presents for children: can it be too much of a good thing?

In Psychology Today, renowned psychotherapist Sean Grover offers insight into what happens when children drown in a flood of gifts. It becomes clear that the fun factor may not always be in harmony with the psychological health of children. The video highlights three key reasons why less is often more, especially when it comes to child development.

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