Christmas tree alternative: 10 tips for a great party

Christmas tree alternative
10 tips for more sustainability

A red-decorated Christmas tree

© New Africa / Adobe Stock

With an alternative Christmas tree, this year’s festival can quickly become more sustainable and still exude the same charm. We’ll tell you how it’s done.

The annual discussion about Christmas trees and their alternatives never ends. The ulterior motive with an alternative is usually that the original is judged to be no good and – especially in this day and age – unsustainable. But is there a suitable alternative to the iconic Christmas tree? We’ll show you what options you have to create a Christmas spirit even without a real conifer.

Injection molded tree as a Christmas tree alternative?

The first alternative that comes to mind when thinking of Christmas trees is one artificial fir – best off injection molding. They look the most similar to the classic Nordmann fir and are also the most lifelike. This alternative is not cheap, but only at first glance. Large fir trees from 210 meters cost upwards of 250 euros, but are worth it annual use even more. However, you should make sure that it is not a tree from international areas. Such artificial Christmas trees are often made in China and the surrounding area. Due to the long transport route, however, this is anything but sustainable. But now there are many manufacturer in Europewho specialize in the artificial fir trees.

Sustainable real tree alternatives

Admittedly – Christmas trees do not have the most sustainable background. After all, around 20 million real trees are felled and sold every year. And as we all know, they come from forests. Deforestation for our own amusement of a maximum of four weeks sounds a bit spoiled. But there is another way, because there are now fir trees with the Fair Trees seal are marked and raised under fair conditions have been. If you don’t want to do without a real fir this year either, make sure that it is regional trees acts that out organic farming come. The classic Nordmann fir is very popular in this country, but spruce and pine are also suitable as Christmas trees and can be decorated at least as beautifully.

Alternative plants to the Christmas tree

  1. In addition to the Fair Trees, you have other options to be sustainable when it comes to Christmas trees. One possibility is, for example, a tree in pot to take or the fir after use in the apartment to pot. Of course, for that to work, she still needs hers root. The practical thing about the fir tree in a pot is that you can put it in the garden after Christmas and, with the right care, you can even use it again next year.
  2. As a fir alternative, the indoor cypress seen. It keeps its color naturally, but it is poisonous and should therefore not be used if there are children or pets in the household. In addition, you should always do maintenance work on the cypress gloveswearso that the toxins contained are not transferred to your skin.
  3. A third possibility is this Use of poinsettias. In addition to the fir tree, the southern plants are the most popular at Christmas time. If you decorate several on a small ladder, you create a small, colorful “Christmas tree” yourself. Choose best different sizesto add a bit of dimension.

Christmas trees made of wood

Would you like something different than just fir? Then take something out Wood in the shape of a tree. Hang a few baubles from the ends for a colorful and reusable alternative. The only downside: this product lacks the characteristic pine scent.

fir tree on the wall

There is also one for the wall curtainswho should do it for you for Christmas. They are usually made of wood and a rope. The wooden sticks run parallel to each other and become narrower and narrower towards the top, so that naturally fir tree shapearises. The rods are connected to each other with the rope. The practical thing about this Christmas tree alternative is that you can hang a chain of lights and baubles on it as well as pictures of you and your loved ones. So you almost have one Christmas photo wall created, which you can always change stylistically.

Metal Christmas tree alternative

Some alternatives also exist made of metal and are therefore for the Indoor and outdoor usable. Handy if you have a cat. But the frame also has some advantages for people who do not have four-legged friends. Just like the injection-moulded trees and the wooden version, the metal firs be used and decorated anew every year. The dust is also quickly wiped off with a microfiber cloth. With a good number of fairy lights and a few sparkling balls, the frame can quickly become a glowing Christmas tree, under which the gifts can be placed just as well as under a real fir tree.

DIY Christmas Tree

The joy of handicrafts is particularly high on public holidays, so it makes sense to do that too Christmas tree simpleto build yourself. Pettersson and Findus once showed us how to do this. To do this, take a wooden pole, drill holes in it and then insert individual fir branches into it. The more holes the pole has, the fuller the self-made tree will be.

Alternatively, you can also go to one Injection molded garland grab and this in the form of a Christmas tree to hang onto the wall. If necessary, add a few more fir garlands and illuminate them with delicate fairy lights.

Another option is to get one colorful string of lights to snap and attach them to the wall in the shape of a fir tree. The advantage of a colorful string of lights is that they are Christmas tree balls and a source of light in one. Properly shaped, it is therefore a 3 in 1 productwhich quickly conjures up a warm Christmas atmosphere – and that without much effort.

The Christmas tree and the cats – the very, very great love

Cat owners already know it: If there is a kitty in the household, it can be difficult with the real Christmas tree. Too often and with pleasure they make themselves comfortable in the fir tree and often destroy a few balls up to the entire tree. So what can be done to prevent this from happening again? Renunciation is the answer here, but not of the entire tree. It is particularly important that the tree in a stable stand stands, so that it cannot tip over so easily. Besides, you should cover stand, so that the cat or hangover does not drink from it. Contains conifers toxic oils and resinsthat can harm your cat. It is also worth avoiding slightly waving tinsel, as well as tree decorations made of paper or wood and pine cones.

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