Cindy Poumeyrol “inconsolable” and “stunned” by bad news: she shares her sadness

Morale was not there for Cindy Poumeyrol this Wednesday, April 6, 2022. story Instagram, the former finalist of Koh Lanta (2019) appeared very moved to tell the last galley that fell on her.

Less than two years after launching her ready-to-wear brand Maison Nicole, the mother of Alba (2 years old) and Victoire (2 months old) is starting to run into several complications. “A little sofa moment to tell you my dreadful morning. After having suffered a lot of disappointments on all our production with problems related to the Covid, the increase in the price of materials… Well today, I have huge HR problems“, she confided. Cindy Poumeyrol then explains that she was “planted” by a former intern to whom she had granted a permanent contract. “It started on Monday and today, she calls me to tell me she’s leaving because she had another job offer. Either way, I can understand, but she never told me that she had applied elsewhere and that she was in the process of being recruited!“, she regrets.

A very restrictive situation which obliges him to call on the help of specialized recruitment services. But above all, the wife of Thomas Chenut has lost all confidence in the younger generation of workers. “I’m not hiding that from you I was in tears this morning, this news stunned me. I’m fighting to bring this brand to life with my stylist Fanny and we’re helpless today. Morally it’s hard and the sad fact is that it’s hard to trust young people, I swear, I’m shocked. Because stories like that, I have several, you can’t even imagine.

And to continue, tears welling up in his eyes: “There I am very affected and I want to get rid of all that, because it also jeopardizes my business. I’m disgusted because when I created Nicole’s houseI was full of hope, I thought it was a sexy start-up, that it was going to please and I have always been disappointed by trainees, work-study students, now by people to whom I offer permanent contracts. It’s the second person who crashes me, I wonder if the problem comes from me so big questioning and in fact I think it’s general to this generation… I was still inconsolable all morning.”

Fortunately, nothing better than a big hug with her baby Victoire to find a smile and start the day off on the right foot!

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