Cinema quiz: impossible to recognize these 7 films with the very last image!

The 90s gave us many films that became cult, and among them some memorable endings. Can you recognize seven movies from this decade, just by their latest shot?

Warning, this article contains two major spoilers on 90s classics: Sixth Sense and Usual Suspects.

The cinema is crazy about surprising final and clever twists leaving spectators shocked, amazed or in full questioning, and the 90s obviously did not escape this scriptwriting particularity.

One of the most often cited examples, and for good reason, is Sixth Sense, one of director M. Night Shyamalan’s very first feature films. A film in which a little boy suffering from inexplicable terrors ends up confiding in his psychologist that he sees dead people moving around him.

And indeed, the very young patient did not confabulate, since we will learn at the end of the film that Doctor Crowe (Bruce Willis) is actually himself deceased, not having survived the aggression of which he had been a victim at the start of the film, and since then unwittingly lives as a “ghost”.

Another memorable finale in Bryan Singer’s Usual Suspects with an interrogation scene between agent Dave Kuan and Roger Kint known as “Verbal” in the context of a case relating to a massacre perpetrated on a freighter from which only two people escaped.

As the interview draws to a close, and the inspector lets the witness go, convinced that he has solved the case and identified the culprit, the camera takes several close-ups of various names on the dashboard. desk, revealing Verbal’s scheme that had actually succeeded in mystifying the investigator along with the onlookers.

Sometimes all it takes is one striking final shot for a film to imprint itself forever on the retinas of the public. Can you find the titles of these seven films only with their very last image?

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