Cinema Quiz: impossible to score 9/9 on these questions!

For this new quiz, we invite you to hit the road and travel across the United States while trying to find the names of these 9 states that we took care to erase from the titles of their posters. Can you succeed on 9/9?

This is a fairly common error of interpretation when we talk about Wim Wenders’ masterpiece Paris, Texas. The title of the film does not in fact refer to a possible journey from the French capital to the depths of the American state, but rather to the city of Paris, of the same name, located in Texas (there is also 23 cities Paris throughout the United States).

Many other film titles also feature the name of one of the fifty-two US states in their title. Before launching into this quiz, let’s take a look back at this 1984 Palme d’Or with some filming anecdotes.


A whole Sam Shepard kit

Sam Shepard and LM Kit Carson wrote the screenplay for Paris, Texas. Sam Shepard is best known for his acting performances, notably in The Stuff of Heroes (1983, Philip Kaufman) and Black Hawk Down (2001, Ridley Scott). In the United States, he is a renowned playwright and theater director.

Funny preference

Paris, Texas is Harry Dean Stanton’s favorite film of all the productions in which he starred. At the time, he had already appeared in no less than 48 feature films, not counting his numerous television roles. However, the actor does not say a word until the 26th minute of the film, playing a character that is unusual to say the least.


Wim Wenders shot Paris, Texas in chronological order, that is to say following the unfolding of the plot. Usually, scenes in a film are shot out of order and the story is put back into the correct order during editing.

A director in the making

On the set in Paris, Texas, Wim Wenders’ assistant is none other than Claire Denis. The director called on her again for Wings of Desire (1987). Subsequently, she will direct her own films. We owe him in particular Beau travail (1999) and Friday evening (2001).

So let’s go for this tour of the United States in nine films. Can you find the names of all the states missing from the poster titles?

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