Cinema Quiz: Stallone? Schwarzenegger? Or both ?

New quiz devoted to the two mountains of muscles that emerged in the American cinematographic landscape of the 80s. Can you tell us which of the two actors correspond to the following anecdotes?

They are the two bodybuilder icons of Reagan America in the 80s. Two actors with European origins (Italian for Sylvester Stallone, Austrian for Arnold Schwarzenegger) who were able to embody the need for power of a society that feasted on a cinema of action assumed, then in full explosion. Two actors who also have in common to have been revealed by franchises.

On the Stallone side, it is his character of Rocky that will have enabled him to leave his modest condition as an actor in search of stamps, to succeed in making a name for himself in Hollywood. A success that he owes only to himself, he who entirely supported the project of this story of an amateur boxer by writing the screenplay, going so far as to refuse its adaptation to the cinema if he did not obtain the main role, thus ousting several prestigious rivals acclaimed by the producers, including Robert Redford, Robert Reynolds, or the late James Caan.

A few years later, in 1982, when Rocky had already had two sequels to the cinema, another hero was born: Rambo, a former green beret from the Vietnam War, who had become a vagabond, who upon his arrest, will manage to flee, finding himself then hunted down by the county sheriff. The film will also have several sequels over the following decades, until the very recent Rambo: Last Blood released in 2019.

For Schwarzenegger, it is also two big names in popular culture that will have allowed the actor to really take off after a few films with mixed success. Conan the Barbarian first of all, fantasy hero who will be entitled to two adaptations in 1982 and 1984. But it is above all James Cameron who will definitively launch the career of the former Mister Universe, by offering him to play in his peak of science fiction, Terminator.

Last common point between these two actors, we find them both in our new quiz of the day. The principle is simple: we offer you an affirmation, it’s up to you to tell us if it concerns one, the other, both or neither. We inflate the muscles, and let’s go!

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