Cinnamon Orange Truffles |




  1. For the ganache

  2. Rinse the orange with hot water, pat dry and finely grate 1 teaspoon of peel. Bring the cream and cinnamon to the boil in a small saucepan. Remove from heat. Add the orange peel and cardamom and let it steep in the cream for 3 minutes.

  3. Break the chocolate into pieces, chop it, add it to the cream and stir until dissolved. Cover the ganache with cling film and let it rest at room temperature for about 4 hours.

  4. Beat the ganache vigorously with the beaters of the food processor and mix in the soft butter. Fill the mixture into a piping bag with a perforated nozzle (20 mm) and pipe 20 bite-sized dots (approx. 18 g each) onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Chill the truffles for 1 hour.

  5. For the cover

  6. Chop the dark chocolate, put about two thirds of it in a metal bowl and slowly melt it in a warm water bath, stirring occasionally. Remove the melted couverture from the water bath, add the remaining chopped couverture and dissolve in it, stirring occasionally. Allow the liquid couverture to cool to 28 degrees. Then heat the couverture again very slowly over the warm water bath (this process is called “tempering”) – the couverture should not be heated above 32 degrees.

  7. Grind sea salt finely with a mortar, mix with cocoa powder and place in a deep plate. Provide couverture.

  8. For each truffle, spread some couverture on both palms (wear disposable gloves). Roll the truffle in your hands until it is coated all over with couverture. Place the truffles one at a time in the cocoa powder and roll them with a praline fork until they are completely covered with cocoa. Cover all the truffles in this way with chocolate coating and roll them in the cocoa. Cool the truffles for at least 30 minutes and allow them to solidify.

Commodity knowledge

Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container with greaseproof paper between the layers for about 2 weeks.

This recipe appeared in the Cookie Extra in issue 23/2023.

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